Do You Need Insurance To Register A Motorcycle? #1

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are 27 times more faced with the danger of being killed in a crash than the occupants of a passenger vehicle.

The feeling of losing your ride in a split of second can be disheartening. However, the choice is yours. You can be among the uninsured in-risk motorcyclists or choose to register your newly purchased motorcycle under insurance. For your safety, I recommend that you register your motorcycle under insurance.

We are here to guide and equip you with the maximum knowledge to navigate motorcycle registration and insurance as well as spell out what you need to do to be legally safe.

Keep Reading!

Table of Contents

Do You Need Insurance To Register A Motorcycle?

Safely, Yes! Having insurance and registration is required for motorcycles in most US states. But Florida and Hampshire do not entirely mandate proof of insurance before registration. However, motorcycle insurance is highly recommended for financial protection in case of accidents.

Why Is Proof Of Insurance Required For Motorcycle Registration?

Motorcycles are generally considered more vulnerable on the road compared to cars. Because of this vulnerability, most states thereby mandated proof of motorcycle insurance before allowing registration to protect other drivers and pedestrians financially and against bodily harm in case the motorcycle rider is at fault in an accident.

By requiring insurance, these states aim to:

  • Ensure financial responsibility, and
  • Encourage responsible driving

1. Ensure Financial Responsibility:

The insurance company, not the at-fault motorcycle rider, would be responsible for covering the costs of medical bills, property damage, and potentially lost wages of those affected by the accident.

2. Encourage Responsible Driving:

Motorcyclists knowing that they will be financially accountable for potential damages will adhere to the traffic laws while driving with utmost caution.

Some people may be asking, Do I need proof of insurance to register a car? Check out this amazing guide to getting a clear answer.

14 Types of Motorcycle Insurance Coverage:

There are variations in the coverage options because of differences in states’ operating systems and your insurance agent.

The common types of motorcycle insurance coverage include:

  • Bodily Injury Liability
  • Property Damage Liability
  • Collision Coverage
  • Comprehensive Coverage
  • Medical Payments (MedPay)
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
  • Trip Interruption coverage
  • Custom Parts and Equipment
  • Towing and Roadside Assistance
  • Rental Reimbursement
  • Accessories Coverage
  • Safety Gear coverage, and
  • Gap Coverage

1. Bodily Injury Liability (BI):

BI covers the medical expenses of injured parties in an accident you cause.

2. Property Damage Liability (PD):

This coverage repairs or replaces damaged property in an accident you cause.

3. Collision Coverage:

This type of coverage repairs your motorcycle if damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object.

4. Comprehensive Coverage:

This covers damage to your motorcycle from events other than collisions, such as theft, fire, vandalism, and weather.

5. Medical Payments (MedPay):

MedPay covers medical expenses for the rider and passengers, regardless of fault.

6. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM):

It covers injuries sustained if the at-fault driver has no insurance or insufficient coverage.

7. Personal Injury Protection (PIP):

This covers the total cost of medical expenses, lost wages, and many more regardless of who is at fault (in some states).

8. Trip Interruption Coverage:

This covers costs if a covered event disrupts your motorcycle trip.

9. Custom Parts and Equipment:

It covers the value of aftermarket parts and accessories not typically covered by standard policies.

10. Towing and Roadside Assistance:

This covers towing and assistance in case of breakdowns or accidents.

11. Rental Reimbursement:

This covers the cost of renting a replacement motorcycle while yours is being repaired.

12. Accessories Coverage:

From the term, you should know that this covers specific accessories attached to your motorcycle.

13. Safety Gear Coverage:

This covers the cost of replacing damaged safety gear in an accident.

14. Gap Coverage:

This covers the difference between your motorcycle’s value and the amount your insurance pays if it’s totaled.

Do You Need Insurance To Register A Motorcycle?
Having insurance and registration is required for motorcycles in most US states.
Do you really need to have insurance to register a car in PA? If you are not sure, then read that amazing guide.

How To Obtain Proof Of Insurance For Your Motorcycle Registration:

Obtaining proof of insurance for motorcycle registration varies slightly because of the peculiarities of state laws.

Here are 9 general steps to follow to obtain proof of insurance for your motorcycle registration:

#1. Contact Your Motorcycle Insurance Provider:

This is the first thing to do. Let your insurance agent know you need proof of insurance for registration.

#2. Verify Coverage Details:

Ensure your policy meets your state’s minimum liability requirements for motorcycle registration.

#3. Make Premium Payments:

Ensure your premium is paid in full to avoid delays in receiving proof of insurance.

#4. Request Proof of Insurance:

Ask your provider for a copy of your insurance card (physical or digital) or an official document stating your coverage details.

#5. Allow Processing Time:

Depending on the method, receiving your proof of insurance might take a few days.

#6. Choose Your Delivery Method:

Choose how you want to receive your proof of insurance (e.g., mail, email, or download from the online portal).

#7. Maintain A Valid Insurance Record:

Keeping your motorcycle insurance records active is crucial throughout your registration period.

#8. National Resources:

Resources like the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) can also offer general information and guidance on motorcycle insurance and registration requirements.

#9. Set A Renewal Reminder:

Set a reminder to renew your motorcycle insurance before it expires to avoid registration delays.

Read Also: Do you need insurance to register a car in Florida?

Additional Tips On How To Obtain Proof Of Insurance For Motorcycle Registration:

  • Keep a copy of your proof of insurance readily available (in your motorcycle or wallet) for police verification if needed.
  • Explore online options offered by your insurance provider for managing your policy and accessing documents like proof of insurance.

10 Factors Affecting Motorcycle Insurance Cost And Registration

Let’s start by answering the question; How much does motorcycle insurance cost? The average cost of motorcycle insurance in the US is about $33 per month and $399 per year.

Here are factors that can significantly impact the actual cost of your motorcycle insurance:

  • Rider’s age
  • Motorcycle type
  • Motorcycle value
  • Riding experience
  • Driving history
  • Location
  • Coverage level
  • Deductible
  • Motorcycle safety features
  • Mileage

1. Riders Age:

Generally, young riders (under 25) are seen as a higher risk by insurance companies due to less experience on the road. This translates to higher insurance premiums. As you age and gain experience, your rates will typically decrease.

2. Motorcycle Type:

The type of motorcycle you ride significantly impacts insurance costs. Sport bikes, high-performance motorcycles, and larger-engine motorcycles are generally more expensive to insure because they are statistically involved in more accidents and thefts. On the other hand, scooters and mopeds typically have lower premiums.

3. Motorcycle Value:

The value of your motorcycle is a major factor. Insuring a more expensive motorcycle will cost more simply because the payout would be higher in the event of a total loss. Classic or collector motorcycles may also have higher premiums due to the cost of specialized parts.

4. Riding Experience:

The more experience you have riding a motorcycle, the lower your insurance premium is likely to be. Completing a motorcycle safety course can also demonstrate your skills and potentially qualify you for a discount.

5. Driving History:

A clean driving record with no accidents or traffic violations will result in lower insurance rates. Conversely, a history of accidents, tickets, or DUIs will significantly increase your insurance costs.

6. Location:

Where you live can affect your insurance rates. Areas with higher rates of theft or accidents will typically have higher insurance premiums. Population density also plays a role, with urban areas generally costing more to insure a motorcycle compared to rural areas.

7. Coverage Level:

The type and amount of coverage you choose will directly impact the cost of your insurance. Liability coverage is the minimum required by law, but it only covers damages to others.

Comprehensive and collision coverage will protect your motorcycle in case of theft, damage from accidents (even if you are at fault), or damage from other causes like fire or vandalism. Higher coverage amounts will result in higher premiums.

8. Deductible:

The deductible is the amount you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. Choosing a higher deductible will lower your monthly premium, but you will need to pay more upfront in the event of a claim.

9. Motorcycle Safety Features:

Some motorcycles come equipped with anti-theft devices, anti-lock brakes (ABS), and airbags. These safety features can lower your insurance premium because they can help prevent accidents and thefts.

10. Mileage:

The more you ride your motorcycle, the higher the risk of an accident, so the more you might pay for insurance. Insurers may consider your annual mileage when calculating your rate.

Are you unsure if you need car insurance for shipping? Check out this article for clarification.

Factors Affecting Motorcycle Registration:

Motorcycle insurance covers you from disasters such as accidents or theft. Motorcycle registration is therefore mandatory for you to legally operate your motorcycle on public roads.

Registration fees typically vary by state and may be based on factors such as:

  • Motorcycle Engine Size or Class
  • Motorcycle Weight
  • Model Year
  • Location

Contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for specific registration requirements and fees in your area.

5 Steps To Take To Ensure Your Motorcycle Insurance And Registration Completion:

Follow these steps to ensure the completion of your motorcycle insurance registration:

  • Contact your motorcycle insurance provider: Discuss your coverage options and get a quote for motorcycle insurance.
  • Compare quotes from different insurance companies: This will help you find the best coverage at the most competitive price.
  • Understand your state’s minimum insurance requirements: Different states have different minimum coverage requirements for motorcycle insurance. Make sure your chosen policy meets or exceeds these requirements.
  • Consider additional coverage options: While minimum requirements are important, consider adding optional coverages like collision and comprehensive insurance for added protection.
  • Once you have secured motorcycle insurance, proceed with registering your motorcycle: Bring your proof of insurance, along with other required documents, to your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office to complete the registration process.

Companies Offering Motorcycle Insurance In The US:

Below are companies that offer motorcycle insurance coverage in the US:

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Do you need insurance to register a motorcycle?” answer-0=”Absolutely! Yes. Most states in the US require proof of motorcycle insurance for you to register your motorcycle. This means you need an active policy before legally operating the motorcycle on public roads.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Are there any exceptions to needing insurance when registering a motorcycle? ” answer-1=”There are a few exceptions, but they are very rare. Two states, Florida and New Hampshire, do not require motorcycle insurance. However, even in these states, it’s highly recommended to have insurance for financial protection in case of an accident.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Can I get temporary insurance to register my motorcycle and then switch to a permanent policy later?” answer-2=”It depends on your insurance provider. Some companies offer temporary motorcycle insurance, but it’s not widely available. It’s generally best to secure a permanent policy before registration to avoid any delays or complications.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”What type of motorcycle insurance is required for registration?” answer-3=”Minimum insurance requirements vary by state. Typically, they include minimum levels of liability coverage to protect others involved in an accident you cause. It’s crucial to understand your state’s specific requirements.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”What additional coverage options should I consider beyond minimum requirements?” answer-4=”While minimum coverage meets legal requirements, it may not fully protect you financially. Consider adding other coverages like Collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, and medical payments coverage.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h3″ question-5=”What do I need to register my motorcycle?” answer-5=”Some documents and fees you’ll likely need to register your motorcycle include Proof of Ownership (receipt or sales agreement), a Certificate of Roadworthiness from a certified Vehicle Inspection Officer (VIO), a Current Driver’s License with motorcycle endorsement, Police Report (might be called Police Clearance or Extract), Tint Permit (if your motorcycle has tinted windows), Proof of Insurance, the fees like Registration Fee and Licensing Fee.” image-5=”” headline-6=”h3″ question-6=”Do you need a motorcycle license to register a motorcycle?” answer-6=”No, in most places, you likely don’t need a motorcycle license to register the motorcycle.” image-6=”” count=”7″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendation


Have you seen the need for you to get your motorcycle registered under insurance? You have!

Motorcycle insurance is crucial for responsible motorcycle ownership. It offers financial protection for yourself, your passengers, and others on the road. By ensuring peace of mind and avoiding potential financial burdens in case of an accident.

We are looking forward to your visit again as regards your motorcycle insurance matters. We’re always here for you.

We are expecting you to visit us again for more insurance-related stuff and information

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