Does Dental Insurance Cover Porcelain Crowns? #1

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The thought of another painful bite has left you liquefying yourself in a bit to quell the surging currents of hunger. Having known, the sad reality of a peaceful bite won’t be forthcoming because your chipped tooth leaves you in a state of questioning in search of solutions “Will my dental insurance cover fixing this?”

In short, Yes. Your dental insurance will fix your broken tooth even though they have a cosmetic function by providing porcelain crown replacements which is necessary for the maintenance of good dental health.

In this article, we will explain insurance coverage for porcelain crowns in detail, by helping you understand what your plan might cover and how to navigate the process.

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Does Dental Insurance Cover Porcelain Crowns?

Excitingly, Yes, dental insurance often covers porcelain crowns however, this depends largely on your specific insurance plan and the reason for the crown. Generally, your insurance covers 50% of porcelain crowns which are deemed medically necessary while you take care of the remaining cost.

Before we dive into the coverage details, let’s take a closer look at what porcelain crowns are…

See this: Does Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry?

What are Porcelain Crowns?

Porcelain crowns, also known as all-ceramic or tooth-colored crowns, are custom-made caps fitted over a damaged or weakened tooth. They are renowned for their natural appearance, seamlessly blending in with your existing teeth.

Here’s why you might need a porcelain crown:

  • Extensive decay or a large cavity: When a filling is not sufficient, a crown protects the remaining part of your tooth structure and restores its functionality.
  • Cracked or broken teeth: Crowns reinforce and prevent further damage, preserving your tooth.
  • Severely worn teeth: Crowns rebuild dentine and restore your chewing function.
  • Teeth discolored beyond whitening: Crowns cover deep stains and discoloration for a brighter smile.

Read Also: Does Dental Insurance Cover Second Opinions?

Understanding Your Dental Insurance Plan for Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are known for their natural appearance and durability, they are often the go-to solution for restoring damaged teeth. Understanding your dental insurance plan will help you navigate your dental costs and out-of-pocket expenses.

#1. Plan Details:

Your dental plan document is the guide to understanding your coverage. In your details, the major restorative procedure and your coverage percentage will be discussed and this will help you take note and know how much dental insurance coverage you have.

#2. Contact Your Insurance Provider:

Your dental insurance company is your ultimate guide. Don’t hesitate to:

  • Call their customer service: Explain your need for a porcelain crown and ask for specific coverage details.
  • Clarify exclusions: Confirm whether cosmetic reasons (like tooth discoloration) are excluded from coverage.
  • Get pre-authorization: This helps avoid unplanned bills as the insurance company estimates their portion of the cost beforehand.

#3. Alternative Cost Solutions:

For those without dental insurance or with limited coverage, options like:

  • Dental savings plans: These offer discounts on dental services like crowns at participating providers.
  • Financing options: Some dentists offer payment plans or financing options to make the cost more manageable.

Read Also: Does Dental Insurance Cover Orthodontics?

Factors Affecting Dental Insurance Coverage For Porcelain Crowns

There are majorly four major factors that will affect insurance coverage for your porcelain crowns and they are:

  • Plan type
  • Coverage Percentage
  • Annual Maximums
  • Waiting Periods

#1. Plan Type:

  • Basic plans: This often covers only preventive care and simple procedures, excluding crowns.
  • Restorative plans: Restorative plans cover crowns under major care, and it has a higher coverage percentage compared to basic plans.
  • Comprehensive plans: This offers the most extensive coverage, potentially covering a larger portion of the crown cost with lower out-of-pocket expenses.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Porcelain Crowns? Types
Dental insurance often covers porcelain crowns however, this depends largely on your specific insurance plan and the reason for the crown.

#2. Coverage Percentage

Most plans offer partial coverage (often around 50%) for major porcelain crown procedures. This means you will cover the remaining cost.

#3. Annual Maximums:

Major care has an annual coverage limit of 30%, which ranges from $1,000 to $2,500. Exceeding this limit means you will pay the remaining cost of crowns.

#4. Waiting Periods:

New dental insurance plans may have waiting periods, ranging from 6 months to 1 year, before major care like porcelain crowns is covered.

Cost Of Porcelain Crowns Without Insurance

The average cost of porcelain crowns without insurance ranges from about $500-1,500 per crown depending on the type of material used, laboratory fee, and many more.

Cost Factors That Influence Porcelain Crown:

Several factors influence the cost of your porcelain crown:

  • Material:  Pure porcelain offers the most natural look but can be slightly more expensive than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, having a budget option that combines porcelain aesthetics with a metal substructure for strength is the best.
  • Lab fees: The lab crafting your crown can impact the price. In-house labs may be cheaper, while specialized labs using advanced techniques and technologies might cost more.
  • Dentist location: Costs tend to be higher in urban areas compared to rural ones.

How To Calculate Your Out-of-Pocket Expenses For Porcelain Crowns

Most dental insurance plans cover a portion of crown costs up to a maximum percentage of 50%. However, your specific coverage depends on your individual plan and may have annual maximums or limitations.

  • Deductible: Before insurance kicks in, you will need to pay your deductible, which is usually a fixed amount per year.
  • Copay: This is a fixed amount you pay for each covered service, like a crown placement.

How To Estimate Your Out-of-Pocket Expenses For Porcelain Crowns

  1. Gather Information: Find your dental insurance plan details, including crown coverage percentage, deductible, and copay.
  2. Ask Your Dentist: Discuss the estimated cost of your specific crown, considering material, lab, and location as prime factors.
  3. Do the Math: Multiply your insurance coverage percentage and the porcelain crown cost, then add your deductible and copay to estimate your out-of-pocket expenses.


  • Crown cost: $1,500
  • Dental insurance coverage: 50%
  • Deductible: $250
  • Copay: $50

Out-of-pocket expenses = ($1,500 x 50%) + $250 + $50 = $ 1050.

This is just an example, and your actual out-of-pocket expenses may vary.

7 Tips For Maximizing Dental Insurance Coverage For Porcelain Crowns

Here are some proven and actionable tips to help you maximize your dental insurance coverage for porcelain crowns:

  • Consult your dentist and insurance provider
  • Discuss alternative treatment options
  • Consider pre-treatment estimates
  • Understand annual maximums
  • Inquire about in-network providers
  • Consider upgrading your plans
  • Maintain a good oral hygiene

#1. Consult Your Dentist and Insurance Provider:

It is crucial to understand your specific plan’s coverage before proceeding. Both your dentist and insurance provider can clarify what percentage of a crown’s cost your plan will cover.

#2. Discuss Alternative Treatment Options:

Depending on the situation, your dentist may recommend alternatives like fillings, onlays, or bridges, which might be covered more generously by your insurance. Explore all options and weigh the cost-benefit with your dentist.

#3. Consider Pre-treatment Estimates:

Once a treatment plan is established, ask your dentist for a detailed estimate that includes both the crown’s cost and your expected insurance coverage. This transparency helps you stay within your budget.

#4. Understand Annual Maximums:

Most dental plans have yearly coverage limits, meaning a specific amount is covered over 12 months. Factor in any existing dental work you have done to ensure crown treatment falls within your coverage period.

#5. Inquire About In-Network Providers:

Using dentists within your insurance network often means higher coverage percentages and potential negotiated rates. Ask your insurance provider for a list of in-network dentists specializing in restorative dentistry.

#6. Consider Upgrading Your Plan:

If significant crown work is anticipated, upgrading to a plan with higher crown coverage might be cost-effective in the long run. Analyze your dental needs and compare plan options with your insurance provider.

#7. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene:

Remember, preventive care is key to minimizing the need for extensive dental work in the future. Regular cleanings and checkups can help you avoid chipped or cracked teeth that might require crowns.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What percentage of a porcelain crown will my insurance cover?” answer-0=”Yes, Most dental insurance plans offer some coverage for porcelain crowns typically around 50% on major restorative procedures like this. However, some plans could cover as little as 25% or as much as 75%. Do well to contact your insurance provider or check your plan documents to know for sure.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Does insurance cover porcelain crowns for cosmetic reasons?” answer-1=”Generally, no. Dental insurance focuses on medically necessary procedures, and purely cosmetic enhancements like improving tooth appearance aren’t usually covered. This includes porcelain crowns solely for whitening or changing tooth shape. However, if a crown also addresses a functional issue like a cracked tooth, insurance might partially cover it, even if aesthetics are a secondary benefit.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Are there cheaper alternatives to porcelain crowns?” answer-2=”Depending on the situation, yes! Discuss options with your dentist. For minor damage, fillings or onlays might be suitable and covered more generously by your insurance. In some cases, bridges might be a cost-effective alternative for replacing missing teeth. Ultimately, the best option depends on your specific needs and dental health.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”I need extensive crown work. Should I upgrade my dental plan?” answer-3=”It’s a possibility! If you anticipate significant crown needs shortly, upgrading to a plan with higher crown coverage could save you money in the long run. Compare the cost of upgrading versus your anticipated crown expenses to see if it makes sense financially. Remember, higher premiums come with upgrading, so ensure the benefits outweigh the additional cost.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”How can I get the most out of my insurance for porcelain crowns?” answer-4=”Communicate with your dentist. They can recommend treatment options that maximize your coverage and fit your financial situation.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendation


The satisfying feeling of eating comfortably is achievable as porcelain crowns can be an alternative replacement for your broken tooth. Nevertheless, Understanding your insurance plan’s coverage and factoring in all potential expenses can help you plan and budget effectively for an edifying chewing journey.

We know we’ve been able to provide a satisfactory solution as we care about your dental health.

For more information visit us.

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