Does RV Insurance Cover Delamination? #1

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Delamination occurs when there is a separation in your RV’s outer layers, and it is a common problem occurring in about 60% of RVs at some point in their lifespan. Despite being a common problem, it is still an expensive one to solve. RV repairs cost an average of a whopping $7000. Could there be a way out of the hefty Cost? This leads us to the popular question “Does RV insurance cover delamination?”

Yes, Delamination can be covered by RV insurance depending on factors like the cause of the delamination, the type of insurance coverage, your policy specifics, and the manufacturer’s warranty.

The sight of delamination not only looks unpleasant, but your RV structure is still at risk of destruction over time due to water penetration if not quickly taken care of. We will be showing you everything you need to understand about RV coverage for delamination.

Does RV Insurance Cover Delamination?

Yes, Delamination may be covered by RV insurance when it happens due to sudden and unexpected events such as hailstorms, falling branches, or vandalism and this is only if your RV insurance plan has comprehensive coverage. On the other hand, if your RV insurance plan is only focused on Collision Coverage, then the cost of delamination will not be covered.  

You need to bear in mind that even with Comprehensive Coverage, you are not likely to get coverage for delamination caused by gradual wear and tear due to exposure to the sun, improper maintenance, or general aging.

This is because it is usually considered that as the owner of the vehicle, you can take responsibility for the care and maintenance of your vehicle to avoid delamination from wear and tear. If you don’t, then you should bear the cost of your negligence.

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2 Types of RV Coverage plans and their Approach to Delamination

1. Collision Coverage:

Collision coverage takes responsibility for your RV if it encounters direct collision mishaps with other vehicles or other objects. For instance when your RV collides with a tree a building or another vehicle causing direct impact damage to your RV then collision coverage steps in to cover the expenses involved with repairs.

Though this is a very useful kind of coverage, it has no business with non-collision mishaps like delamination which have no direct impact on your RV. Hence, delamination is not covered.

2. Comprehensive Coverage:

Comprehensive Coverage, on the other hand, does not just concentrate on collision damages but also takes responsibility for non-collision mishaps including delamination.

It offers your RV a broader scope of assistance and protection when it encounters non-impact situations such as weather problems like hail storms, flooding, and windstorms which are all capable of causing devastating damage to your RV exterior.

Nature sometimes may not be your friend when it unexpectedly acts on your RV. Branches could abruptly fall on your RV, or even rogue animals could leave dents and damage on your RV. Or most Unfortunately there could an unexpected fire outbreak leaving your RV lost in ashes or your RV is stolen. All these kinds of circumstances are covered by comprehensive coverage.

If delamination happens due to any of these kinds of unexpected situations then be sure to have your RV repairs covered if you have comprehensive coverage.

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5 Factors Affecting Coverage For Delamination

Here are factors that affect coverage for delamination:

  • Type Of Coverage
  • Cause Of Delamination
  • The Policy Your Coverage Runs
  • How Often You Claim Coverage
  • Delamination Due To Manufacture Defect

#1. Type Of Coverage

Collision Coverage does not cover delamination because they’re only focused on direct impact accidents on your RV but comprehensive coverage is the most likely to cover delamination because it is concerned with taking care of RV repairs due to unforeseen and unfortunate events that may occur asides collision.

#2. Cause Of Delamination

If the cause of delamination was due to unforeseen events such as hailstorms which cause dents and roof damage, strong winds which can tear off the surface of your RV, or a falling branch which can puncture your exterior then you can expect coverage from a comprehensive policy.

Vandalism may also be covered depending on your policy specifics. But if the cause of delamination of your RV is because of gradual wear and tear, negligence, and lack of maintenance then you are not likely to get coverage.

#3. The Policy Your Coverage Runs:

Even when delamination is covered different policies have varying coverage levels and their exclusions and limitations also differ. You have to study and understand your policy inside out. Intentionally look out for terms like comprehensive coverage, wear, and tear, and exclusions.

#4. How Often You Claim Coverage:

Frequently claiming coverage before delamination might not favor you. An impeccable history will give you the upper hand.

#5. Delamination Due To Manufacture Defect:

If it is proven that the cause of the delamination is due to a fault during manufacturing, you may be liable for coverage but getting covered can be complicated because you will need irrefutable evidence that links the defect to delamination and the defect must be sudden and not connected to wear and tear.

Your manufacturer may have to be involved in the negotiation with your insurance provider. We’d also advise you to consult a lawyer who specializes in RV insurance claims if you are sure the delamination was due to a manufacturing defect.

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Reasons Your RV Insurance May Exclude Delamination

You need to know that even comprehensive coverage may exclude delamination in certain circumstances. Such Scenarios include;

  • Delamination caused by general Wear and Tear:

Over time, your RV is likely to age after prolonged exposure to the sun or improper storage leading to delamination and in this case, it is not covered.

This is because it falls under general wear and tear which is usually excluded by most insurance companies. This exclusion is due to the logic that as the vehicle owner you could have maintained and stored your RV properly to prevent potential delamination.

  • Delamination caused by lack of Maintenance:

If you fail to inspect your RV by regularly checking and repairing seals, closing leaks, and taking other Preventive maintenance measures delamination might occur due to water penetration and your insurance company may deny you any form of assistance because the delamination has been proven to have occurred due to your own negligence.

  • Pre-existing Conditions:

You are advised to thoroughly inspect your RV before purchasing it because if the delamination already exists before purchase or before you subscribed for your RV insurance then you may not get any coverage and being unaware is not even excusable.

  • Delamination due to Manufacturing defects discovered after warranty expiry.

If you discover the delamination of your RV is due to a fault from the manufacturers your insurance company will not take responsibility and the manufacturers may also not take responsibility if it was discovered after your RV warranty has expired.

This is because manufacturers are bound by warranty for liabilities that come with products but after that period the owner bears the responsibility of any liability.

Actions You Must Take to Strongly Prove Your Claim For Delamination Coverage 

It is paramount you understand that even with comprehensive coverage you can be denied coverage delamination if there is no evidence that your claims for delamination coverage fall under a covered peril.

These are actionable steps you can take to prove you deserve coverage for your RV delamination.

  • Understand your coverage and policy
  • Keep detailed records of your RV Maintenance Routine
  • Capture the damage as soon as it occurs
  • Report to Your Insurer immediately
  • Present the cost of repairs to your insurer
  • Seek the help of a Legal practitioner

 1. Understand your coverage and policy:

First, make sure you’ve studied your policy enough to be certain about its coverage for delamination as well as its exclusions and limitations. Talk to your agent to obtain clarity about unclear terms. Understand the covered perils and know where your case falls under.

2. Keep detailed records of your RV Maintenance Routine:

Carefully keep a comprehensive record of all the efforts you’ve made to maintain your RV. Maintenance is a prove that you have taken good care of your RV by being responsible enough to ensure the longevity of your RV by taking Preventive measures like regular inspections, Sealings, and repairs.

When you present this record then the claim that you may have neglected your RV leading to delamination is canceled out leaving you more eligible for coverage. Keep detailed records of dates, products used, and areas treated.

Preserve your copies of all repair bills, emphasizing delamination-related fixes.

3. Capture the damage as soon as it occurs:

Once you notice delamination act swiftly. Take photos and videos immediately that cover the scene and evidence of the potential cause. Make sure you capture the surroundings and show a proper view of the extent of damage and location. Document the date and note triggering factors for instance storms or a tree branch at the site or on the RV.

4. Report to Your Insurer immediately:

Once you have gathered your evidence contact your insurer and report promptly. Do not waste a second! This shows proactiveness and responsiveness and will help you preserve important evidence and details. Relevant documents like the weather reports should be kept handy In case the cause is a storm.

Ask your insurance questions to know if delamination is covered and to what extent.

5. Present the cost of repairs to your insurer:

Make sure you present a detailed estimate of the cost of repair from reputable repair shops.

6. Seek the help of a Legal practitioner:

We advise you to consult a lawyer who specializes in RV insurance claims if you’re faced with complex situations. Because you may need a strong advocate to validate your claims in certain situations.

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What To Do If Your RV Insurer Denies You Coverage For Delamination

  • Consider DIY repairs: if the extent of delamination is a minor one, you can research and consider DIY repairs with appropriate materials and skills that are cost-effective but be careful and be sure you can navigate the risk involved.
  • Go for Professional repair services: Opt for professional RV repairers for more complex Delamination issues. This option may be expensive but you get standard repairs and also preserve your RV from future problems.
  • Opt for Financing options: You can also consider financing options like RV loans or credit cards if the cost of repairs is too high for you to afford. However, ensure you take your time to understand the interest rates that come with financing options before delving in.

How To Prevent Delamination

Yes, you may get coverage for delamination but you can still intentionally save yourself all the headaches that come with insurance policies by limiting the chance of delamination in the first place by taking these maintenance steps.

  1. Ensure you carry out regular inspections on your RV and look out for cracks around sensitive areas such as doors, windows, and roofs. Address leaking areas, and ensure you apply sealants to areas that are more prone to the infiltration of water such as the roofs windows, and doors annually.
  2. Close water leakage points immediately after you notice them.
  3. Make sure your wheels are properly aligned and the tires have the right pressure.
  4. Ensure you adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions on how to clean and protect the exterior surfaces of your RV.
  5. Store your RV in enclosed and roofed areas to prevent it from suffering delamination from adverse weather conditions or unforeseen events like tree branch dents.
  6. Wash your RV regularly with the appropriate cleaning agents to remove deposits of debris that can retain moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Is my RV delamination covered by insurance?” answer-0=”Comprehensive Coverage covers RV delamination for sudden and unforeseen events such as hailstorms, vandalism, and falling objects but excludes delamination claims if it occurs due to general aging or gradual wear and tear. Collision coverage on the other hand does not cover delamination. To be sure review your specific policy to find where your coverage falls.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What documents do I need to file a claim?” answer-1=”The documents you need to file a claim are maintenance records and details of expenses made for repairs related to delamination, Photos, and videos of the damage, date and location of damage, and Potential causes.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What if my insurance denies my claim?” answer-2=”If your insurance denies your claim, go back and review your policy to ascertain why you may have been denied coverage. Consider seeking help from a lawyer who specializes in RV insurance if the situation is a complex one for you to handle.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are there alternative solutions if insurance doesn’t cover the damage?” answer-3=”Of course yes there are alternative options. They include Extended warranties, specialized RV repair Insurance, Professional repair services, and financing options.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendation


Now that you’re aware that there is a possible coverage for RV delamination, ensure you equip yourself for coverage by having strong evidence to back up your claims. Once you notice signs of delamination do not hesitate to contact your insurer don’t forget that time is key.

Get clarifications on what to expect. Finally, prevention is the best way to keep your RV intact and save you all the stress.


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