7+ Best Dental Insurance Plans for Individuals in Ontario

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Are you in search of the best dental insurance plans for individuals in Ontario? Search no more, because you are about to get Expert Guidance!

Ontario is the most populated province in Canada, so the need to live healthier increases daily. We understand that finding the right dental insurance plan can make all the difference if you wish to maintain good oral health without breaking the bank.

In this article, we have provided you with the 7 best dental insurance plans for individuals in Ontario, as well as very important information you don’t want to miss.

Let’s have this brief and expository read.

The 7 Best Dental Insurance Plans for Individuals in Ontario

Here is a list of the 7 Best Dental Insurance plans for individuals in Ontario:

  • SunLife Dental Insurance
  • ManuLife Dental Insurance
  • Canada Life Dental Insurance
  • Green Shield Canada
  • Ontario Blue Cross
  • Desjardins Dental Insurance
  • Empire Life

#1. SunLife Dental Insurance

Sun Life is a well-capitalized company that helps Canadian Individuals like you gain financial security as well as Live healthily through their helpful Health insurance offers.

They have been in the Insurance Industry for over 150 years and have a lot of experience in offering quality insurance coverage. They are also a well-recognized private dental insurance provider in Ontario. 

It would interest you that Sun Life offers Dental care coverage that includes;

  • Preventive Dental (Diagnosis, X-Ray, and Lab Examinations)
  • Restorative Dental, and
  • Orthodontics

Cost: You can get coverage that covers over 60% of your preventive dental care Expenses, for up to a yearly maximum of $500. You can also get coverage for up to $750 yearly for the same preventive care with 70% reimbursement for the standard and 80% for the Enhanced plan.

#2. Manulife Dental Insurance

Manulife has been in the services of helping individuals get good health Insurance since 1887. Manulife tries to personalize your policies by offering different forms of dental health insurance plans that will suit you best.

Some of the plans ManuLife offers you are;

  • Flexcare Dental Insurance: A Flexible and Affordable Insurance plan personalized for you.
  • Dental Guaranteed Issue Insurance: A Comprehensive Health Insurance Coverage.
  • FollowMe Dental Health Insurance: This kind of plan commences once your Employee Health Benefit Ends.

Manulife also offers one of the best health and dental insurance plans you would have in Ontario. You can check our well-written content about this combination.

But, For you who may want to get an Individual Plan in Ontario, We suggest you go for the Flexible and Affordable Dental Plan (Flexcare).

Cost: You can get a Dentalplus Basic plan for $575 per year. Use the button below to learn more about them.

#3. Canada Life Dental Insurance

If you have been in Ontario for a while, You should know Canada Life: They were formerly known as Great-West Life. According to statistics, Canada Life was Canada’s first domestic life insurance company.

This Insurance/Assurance company was founded in 1847. Canada Life offers you great dental health benefits in their Individual plans be it for yourself (Self-Employed) or you’re part of a group of employees.

Canada Life’s PlanDirect Plan for Individuals (ineligible for a group) is split into three namely;

  • Core
  • CorePlus, and
  • Elite.

Cost: Canada Life usually offers a deductible of not more than $50 per calendar year, an 80% reimbursement rate for periodontal and other routine services, $750 per Individual per year, and a 100% reimbursement if you had any unintentional damage to your natural damage.

#4. Green Shield Canada

As one looking for the Best Individual dental insurance plan in Ontario, Green Shield is surely a very good option for you. They have been one of Canada’s few national not-for-profit dental health carriers since, 1957.

They have been well-recognized for their consistent commitment to providing helpful insurance plans that meet the needs of many Ontarians. GSC made getting the Individual dental Insurance plan quite easier for you by splitting their options.

See this Screenshot;

Getting one of the best dental insurance plans for Individuals in Ontario
Getting one of the best dental insurance plans for Individuals in Ontario

Cost: GSC dental insurance plan for the first year of coverage is $600

#5. Ontario Blue Cross

Do you the Blue Cross brand offers Individual plans across regions like Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Ontario, and many more? Blue Cross is one of the World’s most trusted and recognized health insurance brands. They are also one of the Cheapest Dental Insurance in you can find in Ontario.

Ontario Blue Cross has been recognized by many as one of the best dental Insurance in Ontario because of her passionate efforts to offer you affordable and quality Individual dental insurance plans.

They have amazing Individual dental plans that will be very flexible for you with no deductibles. So It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a group insurance plan. If you use their elementary plan option, you will be eligible to customize the insurance plan to specifically meet your needs and your specified budget.

Cost: Their coverage starts from 60% (500 per year)

Click the button to check them out and smile more!

#6. Desjardins Dental Insurance

Desjardins was founded in 1990 and was ranked among the top 100 employers in Canada as of 2021 by Mediacorp. They are known to provide quality dental health Insurance plans for individuals like you across all provinces in Canada.

One of the unique qualities that will interest you about Desjardins is that they include Orthodontic treatments in their enhanced Individual plan. As we all know is very uncommon amongst Dental plans.

Most companies add this treatment to normal Dental plans unless it’s their third level of coverage. You know that would be really expensive.

They will provide you with the same kind of benefits that group insurance plans offer. Desjardins will also pay medical expenses not covered by your provincial dental health insurance plan.

They recently moved their products to a new domain. Feel free to call their Customer services lines in case you want to make more inquiries.

Use the button below to see their platform;

#7. Empire Life

Empire Life is one of Canada’s leading Life and Health insurance companies founded in 1923. They are available to you in all Provinces. They usually major in employee and group dental health benefits in Ontario, but they have a Dental Flex option that will favor you.

Dental Benefits from one of the Best Dental Insurance Plans for Individuals in Ontario
Dental Benefits from one of the Best Dental Insurance Plans for Individuals in Ontario

The Dental Flex option is usually allowed by employers, in case you are, or would be under one. Here You as an employee will have the freedom to choose how to spend your dental benefits within a chosen maximum set by your employer.

So using the Dental Flex plan, you can design a plan that will suit your preferred benefits and budget. Empire Life coverage includes:

  • Basic Dental Care
  • Periodontic and Endodontic
  • Orthodontic, and
  • Major Restorative services

Click the Button to learn more and get your best plan.

Why should you get a Dental Insurance Plan for yourself?

  • To Minimize Sudden Expenses

Okay, Let me ask… How often do you go for Oral health checkups? Do you know you are supposed to visit a dentist as often as possible?

I understand some of us are mostly occupied with lots of schedules and we don’t necessarily find time to take care of our oral health.

We all know the cost of dental surgeries and other oral treatments are quite expensive in Ontario, Therefore this is one of the major reasons you need to get an Insurance plan for yourself. A Dental Insurance policy will help you save the cost of dental treatments when the need comes in.

  • In Case of Loss of Employment

As we all know, many employees in Ontario have access to Employee Health Benefits, which most times include oral health benefits. If suppose you lose your Employee Health Benefits, What will you do?

We don’t hope for that to happen but, what if something like that happens and there is a need for dental health treatments? You really need to get your own dental coverage, especially if you are Self-Employed.

We have amazing and well-written content on the 9 Cheapest Dental Insurance in Ontario. Do well to check it out and save on cost.

However, whether you are Employed, Self-employed or you are even a contract worker, get yourself an Individual Dental Insurance Plan and keep smiling!

6 Factors to Consider When Getting an Individual Dental Insurance Plan in Ontario

Here are some factors to note when you are getting dental insurance in Ontario:

1. Coverage

The Plan you should be choosing should be the one that will cover your basic dental needs and services. Make sure the plan meets your oral health needs.

2. Cost

Make sure you look out for the premium, copayment, and deductibles for the plan.

3. Access to Dentist

Ensure that the plan has a network of dentists that you can easily access. In case you have a preferred dentist for yourself, simply ensure that they are in the plan’s network.

4. Waiting Periods

It is actually Not bad for some dental insurance plans to have waiting periods for their services. All you need to do is be aware and plan ahead!

5. Pre-Existing Conditions

Know that lots of dental insurance plans may not cover your pre-existing conditions. Take some time to read and understand all exclusions and limitations on your coverage.

6. Claim Process

You also need to know how your claims are being processed. Find out how long it would take for you to get reimbursed.

What you did not know about Poor Dental Health

Do you know that Oral health problems like gum diseases and cavities can actually lead to critical health situations? Yeah!

Poor Dental Health can lead to critical situations like;

#1. Diabetes

Research has shown that if you maintain oral hygiene and routines for dental checkups, you reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Untreated gum disease can make it more difficult to control blood pressure. This is one of the reasons you need dental insurance for easy access to routine checks.

#2. Respiratory problems

Do you know that pneumonia is also caused by inhaling bacteria from the mouth? As well as some other respiratory infections. How will you know? When you go for checkups!

This is another reason why having an Individual Dental Insurance plan in Ontario is very Important. It will save you the cost.

#3. Cardiovascular disease

Do you know gum diseases like periodontitis increase the risk of developing health diseases? You may be asking, how?

Simple! When there is poor dental health over a while, it begins to increase the risk of bacterial infection in the bloodstream, and if not spotted and treated early enough, it can affect the health valves.

The essence of routine checkups can be over-emphasized, and to save cost an Individual dental insurance plan comes into place.

#4. Dementia

What causes dementia is beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. See how can be a risk!

You know poor dental hygiene leads to bacteria in the mouth and causes most Gum diseases. One of the usual consequences of gum disease is Inflammation and this Inflammation increases the risk of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain thereby resulting in Dementia.

Get yourself a Dental Insurance plan, and have full access to checkups so that you can maintain healthy oral hygiene.

Important Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Which of the Dental Insurers in Ontario offer the Best and Cheapest Individual plan?” answer-0=”We can not really say which is best and most affordable best this will be determined by your Insurance needs as well as your budget. Anyways, You can also check on Ontario Blue Cross and many others we mentioned above.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How long will it take for my Claims to be processed?” answer-1=”This differs according to the Insurance company involved. You have to properly study and also ask questions once you have chosen an Insurer to work with.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Will my Pre-existing conditions be covered in these Insurance Plan?” answer-2=”Have it in mind that most dental insurance plans may not cover your pre-existing conditions. Take some time to read and understand all exclusions and limitations on your coverage.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

In Conclusion

The Best Dental Insurance plan for Individuals will depend on their specific needs and budget. Take some time to go through the factors we listed for you to make the best choice when getting dental insurance for yourself in Ontario.

Do well to check and compare the insurers above and work with the one that suits you best.

We hope you got value! Your comments are highly appreciated.

Feel Free to visit us again.

We at The Insure Guide are always here to provide Expert Guidance to all your Insurance needs.

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