Does Dental Insurance Cover Implants in the UK? #1

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Are you still wondering if dental insurance covers implants in the UK? You are not alone. Over 74% of people are asking the same question. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of about 50% of dental insurance companies like AXA offer insurance plans that cover dental implants. You might be wondering how to be among this 50% dental implant coverage team.

Allow us to provide solutions to your worries! In this article, we will show you ways how to enjoy dental coverage for your implants, tips for maximizing coverage and minimizing out-of-pocket costs in the UK, and many more.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started! 

Does Dental Insurance Cover Implants in the UK?

Sadly, No! In the UK, dental insurance typically does not cover dental implants. This is because they are considered a cosmetic treatment, not a medically necessary one.

However, there are a few exceptions, in a case where you lost a tooth due to an accident or a medical-related condition, your dental insurance might cover the entire process. Its expected cost ranges from £1500 – £2500 per implant with insurance. Before we go into the coverage options and statistics let’s look at what dental implants are:

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small, biocompatible titanium screws that are surgically placed into the jawbone. Once they heal, a crown, bridge, or denture is attached to the implant, thereby creating a sturdy and natural-looking replacement for your missing teeth.  

See the 7+ Best Dental Implant Insurance in the UK

6 Benefits Of Dental Implants?

Below are some benefits of dental implants:

  • Natural appearance
  • Improved oral health
  • Increased confidence
  • Durability
  • Enhanced chewing
  • Improved speech

Let’s briefly explain them.

  1. Natural appearance: Dental implants look and feel just like your natural teeth. No more slipping dentures or embarrassing gaps.
  2. Improved oral health: Implants help to preserve your jawbone health and prevent bone loss. They also make it easier to keep your remaining teeth clean.
  3. Increased confidence: With a full, natural-looking smile, you can feel confident speaking, smiling, and laughing.
  4. Durability: Dental implants are built to last. They can last for 20 years or more with proper care.
  5. Enhanced chewing: No more struggling with tough foods! Implants restore your bite force, making mealtimes enjoyable again.
  6. Improved speech: Implants provide a stable foundation for clear communication while reducing muffled pronunciation.

The Cost of Dental Implants Without Insurance in the UK 

The cost of implants without insurance in the UK varies significantly depending on several factors, including:

  • Number of implants required: Replacing a single missing tooth can cost £2,500 – £4,000, while multiple implants or full mouth restorations can easily exceed £20,000.
  • Surgeon’s expertise and clinic location: Renowned specialists and central London clinics typically charge higher fees.
  • Material and brand of implants: Premium materials and branded options may incur additional costs.

NHS Coverage for Dental Implants in the UK

Dental implants are not typically covered by The National Health Service due to their classification as a cosmetic procedure. However, in some specific circumstances, there are exceptions, such as:

  • Jaw reconstruction as a result of accidents or facial tumors: This often falls under maxillofacial surgery rather than routine dentistry, thereby increasing the chance of NHS coverage.
  • Severe facial disfigurement impacting speech or eating: The NHS might consider implants necessary for functional reasons in such rare cases.

However, obtaining NHS approval for these exceptions often involves lengthy consultations, justifications, and potential waiting lists.

Find Out If Dental Insurance generally Cover Implant.

How Some Private Dental Insurers in the UK Offer Coverage For Dental Implants

While most standard dental insurance plans exclude implants, some premium plans offered by private dental insurance providers like AXA and Vitality might offer partial coverage. These include:

  •  Contribute a percentage towards the total cost: This could be around 50% (AXA) or 80% (Vitality), capped at a specific amount per year.
  • Focus on specific situations: Coverage might be limited to replacing teeth lost due to accidents or medical conditions, excluding purely cosmetic replacements.
  • Require waiting periods: You might need to be insured for a period before becoming eligible for implant coverage.

It is necessary to carefully weigh the benefits and limitations of any private insurance plan before relying on it to cover a significant portion of your implant costs.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Implants in the UK? - Private
Dental insurance typically does not cover dental implants in the UK.

Breakdown Of Dental Insurance Coverage in The UK

In the UK, dental insurance varies greatly between providers and policies. Some plans might offer comprehensive coverage, which includes a portion of the cost of implants, while others might exclude them entirely.

Additionally, coverage levels can differ within the same provider based on the specific plan you choose.

#1. Common Exclusions:

Below are some common exclusions:

  • Several reasons why dental implants might be excluded from your dental insurance coverage include:
  • Cosmetic reasons: Dental implants will be excluded if it is for cosmetic and not a functional purpose.
  • Pre-existing conditions: If you have pre-existing dental issues like gum disease or bone loss, these might affect your eligibility for implant coverage.
  • Policy limitations: Some plans have annual maximums or lifetime caps on coverage, and implants might exceed these limits.

#2. Understand Your Policy:

The best way to determine if your dental insurance covers implants is to carefully read your policy documents. Look for sections on coverage for crowns, bridges, or prosthodontics, as these might offer insights into implant coverage.

#3. Alternative Options For Dental Implants

While traditional dental insurance might not offer comprehensive coverage for implants, alternative options exist:

  • Dental savings plans: These plans don’t involve insurance but offer discounts on dental procedures, including implants, from participating providers.
  • Specialist implant insurance: Some providers offer dedicated insurance plans specifically designed for dental implants. These plans typically come with higher premiums but offer more comprehensive coverage.

Tips For Maximizing Coverage & Minimizing Out-of-Pocket Expenses:

Taking proactive steps can help you navigate your coverage well.

Here’s your guide to help in maximizing your coverage for dental implants in the UK:

  • Knowledge is Power: Research the average implant cost in your area and understand the potential exclusions in your plan. Having adequate knowledge will arm you with facts and figures to negotiate effectively.
  • Open Communication is Key: Schedule a meeting with your insurance provider. Politely explain your needs, emphasize the potential health benefits of implants, and inquire about possible partial coverage options.
  • Appeal if Necessary: If the initial response is negative, consider appealing the decision. Highlight extenuating circumstances or any misinterpretations in your policy wording.
  • Pre-Treatment Estimates: It is necessary that before embarking on your implant journey, you obtain pre-treatment estimates from in-network dentists. These estimates should factor in your specific insurance coverage,  which helps give you a realistic picture of your out-of-pocket expenses.

Why Should You Choose In-Network Providers For Your Dental Implant

Staying within your dental insurance network has the following benefits:

  • Reduced costs: In-network providers often have negotiated lower rates with your insurance company, thereby potentially translating into significant savings.
  • Streamlined claims process: Using in-network dentists simplifies the claims process, minimizing paperwork and potential delays.
  • Familiarity with your plan: In-network providers are likely familiar with your specific coverage, making communication and treatment planning smoother.

What To Do To Secure An Insurance Plan For Your Dental Implants

1. Check Your Plan Details

Review the details of your dental insurance policy or contact your provider directly if you are unsure of your plan details. They’ll be happy to clarify what procedures your coverage includes.

2.  Consider Upgraded Coverage

Explore plans with broader coverage like AXA Premium or Denplan Supplementary with Implant Upgrade Cover. These plans offer significant financial support for implant procedures.

3. Explore Dental Savings Plans

Investigate dental savings plans. While they won’t directly cover implant costs, they can offer discounts on procedures, making implants more affordable.

4. Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation to explore implant suitability and cost breakdown. They can advise on using your insurance or alternative payment methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Does dental insurance typically cover implants in the UK? ” answer-0=”In most cases, No. Standard dental insurance plans in the UK do not cover the full cost of dental implants. This is because implants are often considered a cosmetic treatment, while insurance mainly focuses on essential dental care. However, there are exceptions and variations depending on your specific provider and plan.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What percentage of the implant cost does insurance cover?” answer-1=”Coverage varies greatly depending on your plan. Most with limited coverage only contribute a fraction (around 30-50%) towards the implant itself, excluding additional procedures like bone grafting or crowns.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What are the average costs of dental implants in the UK?” answer-2=”A single implant, including the crown and placement surgery, can cost anywhere from £2,400 to £4,000. Extensive bone grafting or complex cases can push the price even higher. Remember, insurance might not cover the full cost.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are there alternatives to dental implants covered by insurance?” answer-3=”Yes! Traditional dentures and bridges are generally covered by most dental insurance plans, though they come with their drawbacks compared to implants. Consult your dentist and insurance provider to compare costs and suitability.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”What should I do if my insurance doesn’t cover implants?” answer-4=”Explore financing options offered by dentists or third-party providers. Consider dental savings plans, which offer discounts on treatments like implants but don’t directly cover costs. Remember, prioritizing oral health is crucial, so weigh all options carefully.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendation


You have seen that the cost of securing a dental implant will be yours to bear because the procedure is looked upon as a cosmetic function. Nevertheless, we have shown you ways to reduce your out-of-pocket costs by consulting with your dentist and in-network insurance providers.

For more information, visit us at The Insure Guide.

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