7+ Best Dental Insurance in Australia

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I trust you are not among the very many Australians who ignore and neglect taking care of their oral health.

Because of your choice of solutions, I strongly recommend that it is a priority to see your dentist often and not only when you have major dental issues. As Australia is known to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, you need to have the same beauty as you speak and smile.

We are here to take you through a list of the 7 best dental insurance companies in Australia, that can help prevent dental damages as well as aid in the reduction of unnecessary dental emergencies.

I look forward to helping you regain a healthy breath!

Some Types of Dental Insurance Plans Available in Australia

In Australia, Dental insurance plans can vary depending on the provider but they generally fall into three categories which are:

  • Basic Plans

Basic plans usually cover your preventative treatments like checkups and cleanings.

  • Mid-level Plans

Mid-level plans may include coverage for some restorative treatments like fillings and extractions and many more.

  • Comprehensive Plans

Comprehensive plans typically cover a wider range of treatments, including major procedures like root canals and crowns.

You will love to see this: 7+ Cheapest Dental Insurance in Australia

Factors to Consider When Choosing Dental Insurance in Australia

Some basic factors to consider when choosing dental insurance in Australia include:

  • Cost
  • Coverage,
  • Waiting periods, and
  • Provider networks.

1. Cost:

  • Monthly premiums: This is the amount you pay to the insurer every month to maintain your coverage. Plans with richer benefits typically come with higher premiums.
  • Annual limits: Policies will have a maximum amount they will pay out for covered services in a year. Be sure the limit is enough to cover your expected needs.

You may also want to consider the provider network, because, from our experience, some plans may restrict you to certain dentists or clinics.

2. Coverage:

i. In Australia, dental coverage typically comes as part of an “extras” policy, which can also cover other services like physio or optical. Combined policies might include hospital cover alongside extras. Consider it if you only need dental coverage or if extras make sense for you.

 ii. Specific procedures covered: Policies will vary in what they cover. Basic plans might just cover checkups and cleans, while higher tiers could cover things like root canals, crowns, or orthodontics.

3. Waiting Periods:

This is the time you have to wait after taking out a policy before you can claim certain benefits. There might be different waiting periods for different procedures.

4. Provider Network:

Some extra policies offer benefits for any qualified dentist, while others have a network of dentists with pre-negotiated rates. In-network providers can mean lower out-of-pocket costs for you.

So when you are making your choice, make sure you go for plans that offer coverage for the treatments you need, and be sure to compare waiting periods and out-of-pocket costs.

See this: Top Private Dental Insurance in Australia

Common Dental Procedures Covered by Dental Insurance in Australia

Some common dental treatments or procedures covered by your dental insurance include:

  • Checkups
  • Cleanings
  • Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Root canals, and
  • Crowns.

However, coverage may vary depending on the plan and provider, so it’s important that you carefully review your policy before undergoing any procedures.

The Average Cost of Dental Insurance in Australia

The cost of dental insurance in Australia can vary depending on the level of coverage you need, your age, and other factors.

On average, basic dental insurance can cost around $20 to $30 per month, while more comprehensive plans can cost upwards of $60 per month.

Always do well to consider the cost of dental insurance in relation to the potential savings it could provide, as well as the level of coverage you need.

Read Also: Top 6 Private Dental Insurance in the UK

7+ Best Dental Insurance in Australia

Below are the 7 best dental insurance in Australia:

  • Smile.com.au
  • HIF
  • Medibank
  • BUPA
  • HBF
  • AHM
  • Australian Unity

#1. Smile.com.au

Smile.com.aunt has proven to be one of the best dental insurance providers in Australia as they have even been rated excellent based on over 2000+ reviews from customers. They have over 3000+ dentists that are willing to work with you.

As a member, Smile.com.au offers you:

  • Reduced & Capped Dental Fees on the spot, on all treatments, at every visit!
  • Low Annual cover fee of about $79 a year.
  • Over 3000 quality dentists
  • No waiting period
  • No treatment Exclusion
  • No benefit limits and many more.

Smile.com.au has also provided easy plans that would suit you in case you want to get a plan as;

  • A Single
  • Family
  • Couple
  • Sole Parent

Feel free to check them out.

#2. HIF

HIF which means Health Insurance Fund of Australia (HIF) is one of the best not-for-profit Member-focused Private dental insurance providers in Australia.

They have been providing quality health insurance as well as dental health plans since 1954.

HIF doesn’t only provide quality plans but has also made them affordable, which made us add them to the list of one of the cheapest dental insurance in Australia.

HIF offers 2 sets of Dental Services, and they are:

Major Dental Services

  • Full crown Veneered
  • Full Crown – Non Metallic
  • Filling of one Root Canal
  • Dentures

General Dental Services:

  • Oral Examination
  • Scale and Clean
  • Dental X-ray
  • Tooth filling and Restoration
  • Surgical tooth extraction.

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#3. Medibank

Medibank has provided quality health insurance services to over 3.9 million people in Australia.

They offer a unique plan called Members’ Choice Advantage dental network.

In this plan, you will get 100% back on up to two dental check-ups at the plan’s dentist every calendar year, including bitewing x-rays. A 2-month waiting period applies. They also offer dental extras cover.

Some of the oral health services included in Medibank dental extras cover include:

  • Trips to the dentist for examinations
  • Scale & Clean
  • Surgical extractions and
  • Fillings

Medibank’s Top Extras offers coverage for Major dental procedures, including:

  • Root canals
  • Crowns
  • Dentures
  • Gum disease treatment, and
  • Orthodontics; like braces.

Use the button to check them out

#4. BUPA

Bupa is one of Australia’s largest health insurance providers, Bupa has thousands of dentists in the Members First network to help look after your dental health and well-being.

From our experience, it’s easier to claim with them through myBupa App or website.

If you become a member of Bupa Extras, you will be able to access thousands of registered healthcare providers across Australia, who are part of the Bupa Members First Platinum network.

Feel free to check them out here, and learn more.

#5. HBF

HBF is another reputable private dental health insurance provider in Australia. They have been in the business of providing quality health insurance for over 80 years.

They also make their dental insurance coverage very affordable for you.

Some of the dental health insurance services offered by HBF include:

  • Restorative Dental
  • Preventive Dental
  • Orthodontics, and
  • Major Dental & Implants

The Annual limit for their Flex 50 extra cover is $800 per person for a range of dental services.

Source - HBF - One of the best dental insurance in Australia
Source – HBF – One of the best dental insurance in Australia

Use the button to check them out.

#6. AHM

AHM has been in the Dental insurance industry for over 40 years, with so much experience with customer services and innovative delivery.

They have been trusted by 700,000 Australians. They are also part of one of the largest health insurers, Medibank.

Some services offered by AHM include:

  • Complex Dental services
  • Routine Dental
  • Clean and Polish
  • X-ray
  • Tooth Examination
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontics

And some Major Dental services:

  • Veneers
  • Bridgework
  • Crowns
  • Implants and Dentures etc…

Feel free to learn more…

#7. Australian Unity

Australian Unity has been in the health insurance industry since 1840, enhancing the dental well-being of Australians with its very cool offers.

If you get your dental insurance plan from Australian Unity, you will have access to:

  • Preventive Treatment
  • General and Restorative Treatments
  • Emergency treatments and many more

Some of the preventative dental treatments you will be getting from Australian Unity include:

  • Initial and preventative examination, including X-ray
  • Scale, clean, and topical fluoride treatment
  • Custom mouthguards for protection during contact sports
Source - Australian Unity - One of the best dental insurance in Australia
Source – Australian Unity – One of the best dental insurance in Australia

Use the button to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What types of dental insurance plans are available in Australia?” answer-0=”The types of dental insurance plans available in Australia include basic plans that cover preventative treatments like checkups and cleanings, as well as more comprehensive plans that cover a wider range of treatments and procedures.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How much does dental insurance cost in Australia?” answer-1=”The cost of dental insurance in Australia depends on the level of coverage you need and other factors like your age and location. On average, basic plans can cost around $20 to $30 per month, while more comprehensive plans can cost upwards of $60 per month.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Can I get dental insurance if I have pre-existing dental conditions?” answer-2=”The ability to obtain dental insurance coverage for pre-existing dental conditions can vary depending on the plan. Some plans may exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions or limit coverage for related treatments.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


You are the only one responsible for your dental health. Don’t neglect taking prevention measures because you don’t have the knowledge of where to get your dental insurance.

We have provided the best dental insurance providers in Australia inorder to secure healthy oral health for you. Do well to invest in this knowledge by getting an insurance plan.

Thanks for reading, we hope to see you soon!

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