Do You Need Insurance For A Trampoline? #1

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At least 100,000 people get trampoline injuries every year. But, nobody likes to spend unnecessary money, including you. So you want to know “Do you need insurance for a trampoline?” We’ve got you covered.

Although insurance coverage for trampolines is not mandatory, the alarming injury statistics make it a wise choice to get one. This article covers all you need to know about trampoline insurance; why, risks involved, costs, safety requirements, etc.

Have fun reading!

Do You Need Insurance For A Trampoline?

No, you don’t need insurance for a trampoline, as it is not a legal requirement, however, it is wise to get some coverage for your trampoline. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), as the body that oversees insurance, does not legally require that one gets insurance for a trampoline in their house.

However, statistics prove that getting trampoline insurance is necessary and should not be overlooked.

Can You Do Without Trampoline Insurance?

Now that you’re not obligated to get insurance for your trampoline, you’re probably considering not getting one!

Before you do so, here are some risks involved in taking this action, perhaps you will reconsider after reading through.

  • Personal Injuries
  • Injuries To Others
  • Property Damage
  • Medical Expenses
  • Lawsuits

1. Personal Injuries:

A trampoline is termed an “attractive nuisance” because it provides fun but puts you at high risk of injuries. Without insurance, any injuries sustained from prancing about your trampoline will have to be covered out-of-pocket. So you could be bedridden and still find yourself paying serious medical bills.

2. Injuries To Others:

Most people never consider the probability of other persons getting injured on their trampoline. Well, we’ve given you some stats to prove how common that is. So getting an insurance-free trampoline means standing at a high risk of covering the medical bills of someone else.

3. Property Damage:

If your trampoline is not anchored (sometimes, even if it is), there is a high possibility that it could be carried off by a strong wind. This could lead to extensive, sometimes irreparable damage. If you don’t have insurance coverage, then you will have to shoulder the cost of a new one all by yourself

4. Medical Expenses:

Medical expenses could range from bills for minor cuts to full body paralysis or even brain damage. You cannot control the extent of injury your trampoline could cause. Without insurance, you could find yourself paying hefty medical bills for a child until you go bankrupt. This is real!

5. Lawsuits:

Your trampoline could have a mind of its own and fly under strong wind to destroy a neighbor’s car. Although this is an “Act of God”, you must cover all expenses yourself or face lawsuits from your neighbors.

Average Cost Of Trampoline Insurance

You might be interested in getting insurance for your trampoline although you know it is not a must. But you could be bothered about the cost. The truth is that even if you have to get trampoline insurance separately, it is not very expensive.

On average, the cost of your premium increases by $50-$220, when you factor trampoline insurance into your homeowner insurance plan. If you think that is a lot, consider the many expenses it could save you in the long run.

To find a better breakdown of trampoline insurance costs, check out our article “How Much Does Trampoline Insurance Cost?

How Trampoline Insurance Works and What It Covers?

Insurance companies are not eager to provide insurance coverage for trampolines. In fact, they recommend that you do not purchase one. But if you already have one, getting insurance could be a little tricky.

Typically your trampoline insurance falls under Homeowner insurance, but in some cases, you could get trampoline insurance separately. To do either of these, you will have to fulfill the safety requirements of your insurance company.

Trampoline insurance covers three important areas;

  • Bodily injuries that could be sustained by you or your guests,
  • Property damage that affects your trampoline or any other property that is yours, and
  • Legal liability which covers you if there is a lawsuit.

See this: How To Avoid Paying Home Insurance Deductibles in 10 Ways.

Safety Requirements For Trampoline Insurance Coverage

Here are some safety approaches for your trampoline insurance coverage:

  • Using A Safety Net With a Lock: If you don’t have this, you won’t have any insurance coverage. A safety with a lock already minimizes damage by preventing anyone from getting into the trampoline without your permission. And if it opens, the safety net keeps them from falling off easily.
  • Covering The Floor With Appropriate Material: The floor under your trampoline shouldn’t be concrete. That is dangerous. You could get other materials like; interlocking foam tiles, rubber mulch, or even a layer of sand. It depends on the thickness you want and the size of your trampoline.
  • Proper Maintenance Records: You are obligated to keep a record of how you maintain your trampoline. This could also help you if you ever need to file a claim.
  • Anchor Placement: Isn’t it weird to have a trampoline with nothing to hold it to the ground? That is throwing caution to the wind! Insurance companies frown strongly upon this. Therefore, you are required to have an anchor for your trampoline.
  • No Trampoline Accessories: The risks posed by a trampoline alone are high enough without the addition of accessories like sprinklers. No matter how much you want it, your insurance company doesn’t.
Do You Need Insurance For A Trampoline? - Accessories
You don’t need insurance for a trampoline, as it is not a legal requirement, however, it is wise to get some coverage for your trampoline.

The Two Types Of Coverage Available For Trampolines Under Homeowner Insurance

If you’ve fulfilled all safety requirements, here are the coverage options available to you:

#1. No Exclusion:

Depending on the evaluation of your insurance company, you could get the highly coveted “no exclusion” coverage. This means that you get coverage for anything and everything, from personal injuries to Acts of God, and even injuries on other persons.

This coverage is not common, and you should keep in mind that it may be reviewed from time to time.

#2. Special Coverage

This is more common than the first because it pits the insurance company at less risk. Special coverage involves several exclusions and coverage that can only be after strict fulfillment of the requirements for trampoline coverage.

Your insurance company’s requirements may be less or more than the ones given in this article. Do well to confirm from your insurance provider, so you can enjoy adequate coverage.

Consider Additional Coverage For Your Trampoline

Sometimes insurance companies do not provide any coverage for trampolines under their homeowner insurance section. But you could fund insurance coverage for trampolines in other sections like the Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP).

You are expected to pay for this coverage and request that it be included in your homeowner insurance coverage. This way, you are covered.

Companies That Offer Amazing Deals For Trampoline Insurance Coverage

Here is a list of some companies to help you secure that trampoline:

1. Lemonade:

They provide coverage for your trampoline under their personal property coverage. This means that damage to the trampoline itself is covered as part of your property, but if anyone gets injured on it, they do not share responsibility as the risk might be too much to bear.

2. Allstate:

They provide additional insurance that covers trampolines under their Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP). This policy excludes your trampoline from being under the homeowner insurance section and will have to be obtained as an addition to it.

Other Insurance Companies that Allow Trampoline Coverage:

  • Liberty Mutual Insurance: Here your trampoline will be covered depending on the state.
  • Travelers Insurance: They cover trampoline under their general homeowners’ policy.
  • Geico Insurance: For your trampoline to be covered, you must fence it in and have a safety net.
  • Farmers Insurance: You have to fence the trampoline in and have a safety net to get coverage.
  • Amica Mutual Insurance: Trampoline must be fenced in and have a safety net to be covered.
  • Progressive Insurance: They cover trampoline under their regular homeowners’ policy.

20 Tips On How To Keep Your Trampoline Safe

Here are 20 tips on how to keep your trampoline safe whether under insurance coverage or not:

  1. Ensure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Don’t place the trampoline on a hard surface; concrete, asphalt, etc.
  3. Make sure you have enough space around the trampoline.
  4. Keep the trampoline away from areas with heavy trees.
  5. Don’t use a trampoline when there is strong wind.
  6. Ensure you supervise activities on the trampoline.
  7. Don’t allow more than three people on the trampoline at once.
  8. Don’t allow any form of dangerous activities like stunts, on the trampoline.
  9. Don’t allow food or drinks on the trampoline.
  10. Don’t use a trampoline alone.
  11. Keep a first aid kit very close.
  12. Have a safety net installed.
  13. Don’t allow anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs to get on the trampoline.
  14. Keep pets away from the trampoline.
  15. Don’t get on a trampoline if you are sick or injured.
  16. Keep children’s hands and toes away from the springs.
  17. Invest in a trampoline cover for added protection.
  18. Make sure the trampoline is on a level surface.
  19. Make sure anyone getting on the trampoline is putting on proper footwear.
  20. Don’t allow kids on the trampoline without adequate adult supervision.

10 Tips For Trampoline Maintenance

Here are 10 tips for maintaining your trampoline even when under insurance coverage:

  • Regularly tighten all bolts and screws.
  • Regularly clean the trampoline frame and springs.
  • Don’t keep under the sun for a long period. Put it away when not in use.
  • Ensure you replace any broken or damaged parts immediately.
  • Ensure you regularly inspect the jumping mat for rips, tears, and holes.
  • Use mild soap and water to clean your trampoline regularly.
  • Make sure the enclosure poles are secure.
  • Check the net regularly, for holes or damage.
  • Regularly check the safety enclosure door for proper function.
  • Keep the area around the trampoline clear of debris.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Do I need insurance for a trampoline by law?” answer-0=”No, trampoline insurance is not required by law, but it is very important to you as a homeowner.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What kind of coverage does trampoline insurance provide?” answer-1=”Trampoline insurance typically covers bodily injury, property damage, and legal liability.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Are there any exclusions to trampoline insurance?” answer-2=”Some policies exclude coverage for regular wear and tear or even pre-existing conditions, and other exclusions specific to each policy.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Can trampoline insurance be added to a homeowners policy?” answer-3=”Yes, some homeowners insurance companies allow trampoline insurance to be added, but it increases your premium.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Does trampoline insurance cover replacement costs?” answer-4=”Yes! Some policies will cover replacement costs for a damaged or destroyed trampoline. Check with your insurance provider to know if your insurance company is one of them.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


If you’ve read this far, then you know that getting insurance for your trampoline is not a legal requirement. But we’ve also pointed out how important it is to you as a homeowner among several things.

Don’t take an unnecessary risk, get insurance for that trampoline!

Hope you got value!

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