Affordable Dental Insurance in Tennessee – #1

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The average annual out-of-pocket cost for dental insurance in Tennessee is $1,200 and only about 61.4% of adults in Tennessee visited the dentist last year.

You must have realized like we did, that the high cost and low quality care is a real issue for dental insurance in Tennessee. Well, we decided to write this article to give you affordable, high-quality options for getting dental insurance in Tennessee.

Enjoy your read!

Let’s start by looking at the factors that affect the cost of different dental insurance plans in Tennessee.

Out-of-Pocket Factors That Affect The Cost of Dental Insurance Plans in Tennessee

As you evaluate dental insurance plans in Tennessee, you must consider the costs associated with each plan. These costs typically include:

  • Monthly premiums
  • Deductibles
  • Copayments, and
  • Coinsurance

1. Premiums

The premium amount (monthly payments you make to maintain your dental insurance coverage) varies depending on the plan, coverage level, and insurance provider you choose.

However, higher-premium plans often provide you with more comprehensive coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs.

2. Deductibles

Generally, dental plans with higher deductibles tend to have lower premiums, while plans with lower deductibles generally have higher premiums.

So we urge you to evaluate your dental needs and financial situation to determine the most suitable deductible for your circumstances.

3. Copayments

Copayments are the fixed amounts you pay for “specific dental services”, such as office visits, cleanings, or fillings. The copayment amounts can vary depending on the plan and the type of service.

4. Coinsurance

Coinsurance is the percentage of the total treatment cost you must cover. This is usually dependent on the type of plan one uses.

If you can compare the costs of different dental insurance plans in Tennessee, you can find the right balance between premiums, deductibles, copayments, and out-of-pocket expenses that align with your budget and dental care needs.

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Some Affordability Factors in Dental Insurance Plans in Tennessee.

Some factors determine how affordable a dental plan can be and they include the following:

  • Type of plan
  • Coverage level
  • Waiting periods

1. The type of plan you choose

While HMOs often have lower premiums, PPOs offer more flexibility but may be more expensive.

2. The Coverage Level

Basic dental plans seem to be more affordable but may have limited coverage.

3. Waiting Periods

Finally, always consider any waiting periods, because they can delay coverage and impact your immediate costs.

Tips for Choosing the Best of Affordable Dental Insurance in Tennessee

Here are some strategies that will help you choose affordable coverage:

  • Confirm your dental needs so you can know the level of coverage required to meet your needs.
  • Compare plans from multiple providers to find the best value.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of in-network dentists, as they can lower your out-of-pocket costs.
  • Finally, do well to explore options like dental discount plans or government assistance programs if traditional insurance is not affordable as we will be mentioning them in the next few subheadings.

Check this out: 8+ Full Coverage and Free Dental Insurance in Indiana

Government Assistance Programs that Offer Dental Coverage in Tennessee

The Tennessee government offers assistance programs like Medicaid and CoverKids which provide essential dental coverage for low-income individuals and families. These programs play a pivotal role in ensuring affordable dental care access.

Medicaid covers dental services for eligible low-income adults and CoverKids provides dental benefits for children in low-income families. You have to do well to understand the eligibility criteria and application processes for these programs so you can seamlessly apply.

These government assistance programs can significantly help you reduce the financial burden of your dental care, as well as make it more accessible to vulnerable populations across the state.

Alternative Funding Options for Dental Care in Tennessee

Just in case the dental insurance plans available to you in Tennessee still seem not affordable, know that other alternative funding options can help you access dental care.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars for medical and dental expenses, providing a financial buffer for dental care costs.

Also, dental schools often offer lower-cost services provided by dental students under the supervision of experienced faculty, making quality dental care more affordable.

Another resourceful option that can really help you in case of any financial hardship is Charitable organizations and free dental clinics. 

Affordable Dental Insurance in Tennessee

The following are affordable dental insurance in Tennessee:

  • eHealthInsurance
  • Tennessee Family Dental
  • Tennessee’s health insurance marketplace

#1. eHealthInsurance

eHealth is an authorized federal government partner that offers very affordable dental insurance plans in Tennessee starting at as low as $8.95/month.

They offer one of the best dental plans for individuals and families from trusted carriers in Tennessee.

On average, a dental insurance premium in Tennessee costs about $28.38 per month and these plans typically cover preventive and basic dental care.


#2. Tennessee Family Dental

Tennessee Family Dental is in-network with a lot of major insurance companies, including TennCare at our Brentwood, La Vergne, and Lebanon locations. Their Dental In-Office Benefits Plan includes FREE cleanings, FREE exams, and FREE X-rays annually, as well as 20% off ALL dental services that they offer.

These are their plans:

Tennessee Family Dental - One of the Most Affordable dental insurance in Tennessee
Tennessee Family Dental – One of the Most Affordable dental insurance in Tennessee

#3. Tennessee’s Health Insurance Marketplace

Tennessee uses the federally facilitated health insurance marketplace for the sale of its certified individual/family dental plans. They offer these certified plans from over eight insurers.

If you are purchasing your own stand-alone or family dental coverage through the exchange, premiums range from $18 to $82 per month.

If your family is purchasing coverage through the health insurance exchange, the premiums associated with pediatric dental coverage may or may not be offset by premium tax credits (premium subsidies).


Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What types of dental insurance plans are available in Tennessee?” answer-0=”In Tennessee, you can typically find three main types of dental insurance plans: HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), and indemnity or fee-for-service plans. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Can I get dental insurance if I have pre-existing dental conditions in Tennessee?” answer-1=”Yes, you can still get dental insurance if you have pre-existing dental conditions. However, be aware that some plans may have waiting periods for certain treatments related to pre-existing conditions. So we advice that you review the policy details carefully to understand any limitations.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”How can I lower my dental insurance premiums in Tennessee?” answer-2=”In order to lower your dental insurance premiums in Tennessee, you can consider going for a plan with a higher deductible, choosing an in-network dentist, or looking for group insurance through your employer or professional associations. Regular preventive care can also help reduce long-term dental costs.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”What should I consider when selecting an affordable dental insurance plan in Tennessee?” answer-3=”You can consider factors like monthly premiums, deductibles, coverage for specific treatments, network of dentists, and annual maximums. Make sure the plan you choose aligns with your dental needs and budget.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


With what you have read in this article, we believe you can get a good dental insurance insurance plan in Tennessee even with a low budget. Always feel free to check other contents of ours so you can get more value for yourself.

Don’t hesitate to tell us the dental insurance company that satisfies you best.


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