18+ Best Health and dental Insurance in Canada

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In Canada, people with lower incomes, less education, and certain disabilities are less likely to have dental insurance and are less likely to visit a dentist regularly. To help this, the government started the Canada Dental Benefit, which gives temporary dental coverage to children under 12 from low- and middle-income families. Now we are also providing you with 18 best health and dental insurance in Canada that anyone can use.

Let’s quickly start by checking the types of health and dental plans you will find in Canada, so you can make a well-informed decision.

Types of Health Insurance Plans in Canada

Canadian healthcare insurance comprises diverse options, and each of them has its unique features. The most prominent health insurance plan in Canada is Medicare; it’s Canada’s public health insurance program that covers essential medical services.

We all already know that regular private health insurance that everywhere as they are popularly known to offer additional benefits like faster access to specialists and coverage for services not included in Medicare.

Employer-sponsored plans are also another common option, that helps to provide coverage to employees and their families.

Each of these types has distinct advantages and drawbacks, and understanding these differences will make it easy for you when selecting the right plan to meet your healthcare needs. Meanwhile, the insurers we provided here have all these types included.

Tips for Saving on Your Health and Dental Insurance Plans in Canada

It’s obvious that most dental premiums are significantly expensive, but we will help you with strategies you can use to save without sacrificing your coverage quality.

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of dental health issues.
  • Compare competitive insurance quotes to get the best for you.
  • Just like you are about to do now, keep bundling health and dental coverage as there are usually potential discounts.

Understanding Deductibles and Copayments

Deductibles and copayments are really important concepts involved in health and dental insurance.

Deductibles simply refer to the initial amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in.

Copayments are just the portion of costs you share with your insurer.

You can see with us that these elements directly affect your out-of-pocket expenses when accessing healthcare services.

Make sure you don’t fail to ask your insurer how these elements work so you can make well-informed financial decisions regarding your health and dental care.

18 Best Health and Dental Insurance in Canada

The following are the 18 best health and dental insurance in Canada:

  • Manulife
  • Canada Protection Plan
  • CAA South Central Ontario
  • Canada Life Assurance Company
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Ontario Blue Cross
  • Scotia Insurance
  • Doctors Nova Scotia (DNS)
  • NSCC
  • Saskatchewan Retirees Dental Plan
  • Manulife New Brunswick
  • Student Union Alberta
  • AMA Insurance
  • Blue Cross Alberta
  • SBIS Alberta
  • BCAA British Columbia
  • CAA Health & Dental
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland

#1. Manulife Ontario

Manulife offers about three different health and dental insurance plans in Ontario.

Flexcare health and dental insurance

This health and dental plan can provide coverage for you even if you have a change in job or in your health.

Here you can also get additional coverage if you’re 65+. Also, this plan would really favor you if you have up to three or more children as they offer special rates for families with that number of children.

Health and dental guarantee issue enhanced insurance

This plan offers you Comprehensive health coverage with no medical questions asked when you wish to apply. They have guaranteed Acceptance plans

This plan also covers pre-existing conditions, vision, and extended healthcare benefits.

FollowMe Health and dental insurance

They popularly call this “the coverage that begins when your employee health coverage ends” as they offer you guaranteed acceptance plans.


#2. Ontario Blue Cross

Blue Cross offers you the flexibility to choose the level of coverage that fits your unique needs and budget.

They also have other specific dental plans that provide no overall maximum for fillings, extractions, and root canals, which would help you access the necessary treatment without any financial concerns.


#3. Sun Life Financial

You can get access to the dental coverage Sun Life offers through their Personal Health Insurance (PHI) plans. You can possibly get partial or full coverage for dental procedures, which include teeth cleanings, dental x-rays, and exams, orthodontics (braces for both adults and children), as well as bridges, dentures, and crowns, however, you want it.


#4. Canada Life Assurance Company

The Canada Life Health and dental insurance plans will help you cover medical costs not covered by your government health plan at an affordable price that should work for you and your family.

One of the features of their plans is that you’re never too old for coverage, as there is no termination age.


#5. CAA South Central Ontario

Are you retired, self-employed, or in between jobs? Know that it is possible to supplement your Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) with CAA Health and Dental Insurance so you can cut down on your out-of-pocket costs.

They offer you the leverage to mix and match different levels of dental coverage, this way, you will be paying only for what you actually need.


#6. Canada Protection Plan

CPP offers various dental plans like:

  • FlexCare

This is a simple and affordable health care insurance for you and your family. Here, you can either choose from a basic, enhanced dental plan or even a combination plan that combines both drugs and dental

  • FollowMe

If you have recently lost your coverage or will soon be leaving a group plan because of retirement or job loss, then this is a perfect plan for you.

Here, no medical questionnaire is required!  There is a guarantee that you will be accepted as long as you apply within 90 days of your group insurance benefits ending

  • Association Health and Dental Insurance

This plan also covers for prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, hospital coverage, and more.


#7. Blue Cross Alberta

Blue Cross in Alberta uniquely offers health and dental plans in groups, which include:

  • Young Adults – 29 and under
  • Blue Choice – 64 and under
  • Blue Assured – All ages
  • Retiree – 50 and above.

Each of these groups has unique features. Feel free to check them out.


#8. AMA Insurance

AMA has some Life and health Advisors who use their decades of expertise and personal experience to review and provide solutions for you from their three different Health and dental insurance partners.

You can easily get a quote and apply directly online through their CAA National Partnership with Manulife.


#9. Student Union Alberta

The Student Union of Alberta has a structure to help University of Alberta undergraduate students pay for the health and dental services they need through their partnership with Studentcare

The Plan was designed specifically for students to cover many health services not covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan and other basic healthcare programs.

So if you are an undergraduate student of their university you have paid SU fees and you are enrolled in a minimum of 3 credit hours in either the Fall or Winter Term, then you are automatically covered by the Plan.

SU Alberta - One of the best health and dental insurance in Canada
SU Alberta – One of the best health and dental insurance in Canada

#10. Manulife New Brunswick

They offer almost the same plans in Ontario.

  • Health and dental guarantee issue enhanced insurance
  • Flexcare health and dental insurance
  • FollowMe Health and dental insurance

Feel free to check them out.


#11. Saskatchewan Retirees Dental Plan

SBIS offers you a variety of different dental insurance plans to meet your varying needs. Their plans cover a range of services like cleanings, x-rays and fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures, and orthodontics.

If you are resident in Saskatchewan and you are coming off a group plan or you don’t qualify for group coverage, you can take advantage of this plan. This plan is also for you if you fall into this category:

  • Retirees
  • Self-employed workers
  • Small business employees facing job loss
  • Students or over-age dependents
  • Part-time employees
  • Contract workers
  • Surviving spouses and divorcees.

#12. NSCC

Nova Scotia Community College in Canada offers health benefits programs that provide students with immediate online access to primary care practitioners through myvirtualdoctor virtual health care service and cover costs associated with preventive health and dental care through their student health and dental plan.

If you’re a student of this college, then make sure you apply.


#13. Doctors Nova Scotia (DNS)

Are you a member of Doctors Nova Scotia, then know that they offer you and other members a comprehensive health and dental plan administered by the amazing Canada Life.

If you’re applying as a new member, you will be eligible following a three-month waiting period.

Doctors Nova Scotia Contact - One of the best health and dental insurance in Canada
Doctors Nova Scotia Contact – One of the best health and dental insurance in Canada


#14. Scotia Insurance

This insurer tries to help you pay for things that your employer and provincial healthcare plans don’t cover for you.

You will be eligible to apply for coverage for yourself, your spouse, and your dependent children only if you are:

  • You’re 18 to 64 years old
  • You’re a Canadian resident
  • A Scotiabank customer or the spouse of a Scotiabank customer
  • You are already covered by a provincial or territorial health care plan


#15. Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union operates group health and dental insurance plans for members to ensure that all students have access to the medical services they require, and this plan is provided by Green Shield Canada.

The Eligibility details vary across different kinds of students including;

  • Full-Time Domestic Students
  • Part-Time Students
  • Work-Term Students
  • International students
  • Couple/Family Coverage


#16. CAA Health & Dental

For over 20 years, CAA has partnered with Manulife Insurance in order to offer you and your families in south-central Ontario affordable health and dental plans.

If you’re self-employed, retiring, or in between jobs, you can easily supplement your Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) with CAA Health and Dental Insurance and start saving on emergency dental services expenses. 

They have lots of coverages including:

  • Basic health & enhanced dental coverage.
  • Enhanced health and dental coverage
  • Basic health care and enhanced dental coverage.

And each of them has their details. Feel free to check them out.


#17. BCAA British Columbia

BCAA uniquely offers you personal health insurance starting at $1 a day. Their health and dental insurance plan will be a cool option for you if you’re not fully protected through a private health insurance plan or if your coverage is about to end or recently ended.

Feel free to check them out.


#18. SBIS Alberta

If you stay in Alberta, then this is for you. The Alberta Health Care Insurance provincial coverage is restricted to oral surgery services, such as:

  • Cyst removal,
  • Joint and jaw surgery, and
  • Bone grafts.

This plan doesn’t prefer coverage for routine tooth-related treatments, and dentists charge for uninsured services (such as x-rays) that they perform in association with an insured service.

There are so many details to confirm. Feel free to visit them here.


Frequently Asked Questions on Best Health and Dental Insurance in Canada

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Is health insurance mandatory in Canada?” answer-0=”Health insurance in Canada is not mandatory at the federal level, as it’s covered by the public healthcare system (Medicare). However, some provinces may require you or residents to enroll in a provincial health plan.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Can I have both public and private health insurance in Canada?” answer-1=”Yes, you can have both public and private health insurance in Canada. Public insurance (Medicare) covers your essential health services, while private insurance can provide supplementary coverage, such as prescription drugs, dental care, and faster access to specialists. It’s not bad having both types of insurance, as it allows you to enhance your healthcare options.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”How do I determine the right level of coverage for my dental insurance?” answer-2=”The best level of coverage you need is simply the one that suits your needs and budget. So for your needs, you can consider factors like your dental health history, the frequency of dental visits, and any specific treatments you anticipate needing.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are there government programs to help lower-income individuals access health and dental insurance?” answer-3=”Yes, some provinces in Canada offer government programs to assist lower-income individuals and families in accessing health and dental insurance. These programs vary by province and are designed to provide financial support to those who may struggle with insurance costs. So you can check with your provincial government for specific details and eligibility criteria.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”What factors should I consider when comparing insurance quotes?” answer-4=”You can simply check the deductibles, copayments, coverage limits, reputation, waiting periods for coverage, flexibility of the plan, and customer service of the insurance provider.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


Please do well to get your health and dental insurance plan in Canada, so you can stay safe health-wise. Always feel free to drop your questions or thoughts.


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