14+ Best Dental Insurance in Toronto

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Research has shown that only 65% of Toronto residents have dental insurance, which is below the provincial average of 67%. Reasons for this range from cost to location.

This is why we have chosen to show you over 7 best dental insurance in Toronto in this article. By the time you’re done, you should be able to make an informed choice.

Let’s begin with considering the cost of dental insurance in Toronto.

Cost of Dental Insurance in Toronto

The cost of dental insurance in Toronto can vary depending on a number of factors, including the level of coverage you need, the deductible, the copayment, and your age.

1. Deductible:

A basic dental insurance plan with a $100 deductible 50% coverage for preventive care, and 80% coverage for major care may cost you around $20 per month.

A more comprehensive plan with a $0 deductible and 100% coverage for preventive care and major care may cost you around $50 per month.

2. Age:

The cost of dental insurance also tends to increase with age. For example, a basic dental insurance plan for a 25-year-old may cost around $20 per month, while the same plan for a 65-year-old may cost around $50 per month.

We always advise that you shop around and compare different dental insurance plans before you choose one.

See the 18 Best Health and Dental Insurance in Canada

Tips For Affordable Dental Insurance in Toronto

Here are some tips you can follow to find affordable dental insurance in Toronto:

  • Consider your needs
  • Shop around
  • Take advantage of discounts
  • Look for a dental savings plan
  • Consider group dental insurance

Let’s talk about them!

  • Consider your needs: 

Think about how often you go to the dentist and what types of dental care you typically need. This will really help you to determine the level of coverage you need and the cost of the plan.

  • Shop around: 

Get quotes from different insurance companies to compare prices and coverage.

  • Take advantage of discounts: 

Some insurance companies offer discounts for students, seniors, or people with certain health conditions.

  • Look for a dental savings plan: 

Dental savings plans usually allow you to save money on dental care. You pay a monthly fee, and then you receive discounts on dental services at participating dentists.

  • Consider group dental insurance: 

If you are employed, your employer may offer group dental insurance. This type of insurance will lessen your expenses more than individual dental insurance.

Read Also: 10+ Best Private Dental Insurance in Ontario

Steps To Take Before Choosing Dental Insurance in Toronto

Here are some steps to take before choosing dental insurance in Toronto:

  • Take some time to evaluate the coverage options available, such as individual plans, family plans, or group plans through an employer etc. This will help you know what to get
  • Consider the cost to know if it suits your budget, including deductibles, premiums, and copayments.
  • Research the provider’s network of dentists in Toronto to ensure your preferred dentist is included.
  • Carefully go through the coverage limits, waiting periods, and exclusions so you can have a better understanding of any restrictions or conditions.
  • Check for special coverages on procedures like; orthodontics, cosmetic procedures, or other specialized treatments.

Understanding the Terms and Conditions of Dental Insurance Policies

It’s obvious to us all that dental insurance policies can be complex, but it’s really crucial to understand the terms and conditions before you select a plan.

  • Familiarize yourself with common terms like premiums, deductibles, copayments, and annual maximums. Pay close attention to waiting periods, which are simply the timeframes you must wait before certain services are covered.
  • Also, be aware of any exclusions or limitations that may apply to certain treatments or conditions. Pre-existing conditions can impact coverage, so be sure to understand how they are stated and how they may affect your eligibility for specific services.
  • Take your time to read the policy documents thoroughly and feel free to ask your insurer questions so you can gain clarity and be free from any doubts or uncertainties.

Tips for Maximizing Dental Insurance Benefits in Florida

Here are some tips you can apply in order to maximize your dental insurance benefits:

  • Prioritize your Preventive Care

First, prioritize your preventive care. We observed that most dental insurance plans cover preventive services like check-ups, cleanings, and X-rays at 100%.

So you have no reason not to regularly attend these appointments, so you can maintain good oral health, as this routine will help catch any issues early on, and avoid more extensive and expensive treatments later.

  • Maximize 100% covered services

It’s also helpful to understand the specific services covered at 100% and take advantage of them.

  • Consider in-network Dentists

In-network dentists have pre-negotiated fees with the insurance provider, which can result in lower out-of-pocket costs for you. If at all you need more extensive procedures, simply discuss treatment options with your dentist and insurance provider to find the most cost-effective solutions.

  • Check for Policy Updates

Finally, stay informed about any policy updates or changes to ensure you maximize your benefits effectively.

University of Toronto Dental Insurance

If you are a student, graduate, or seeking admission into the University of Toronto, then this section is for you.

As a student at the University of Toronto, you should already know that dental care is not covered by provincial health insurance and you will have to pay for the dental services you need, such as check-ups, cleanings, fillings, and more.

The University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) offers a supplementary health and dental plan for its members.

The University of Toronto dental insurance plan includes coverage for a variety of dental services, like:

  • Preventive care: Up to $800 per policy year for dental visits, cleanings, and exams
University of Toronto Dental Insurance
University of Toronto Dental Insurance
  • Basic care: Up to 80% coverage for fillings, extractions, and other basic dental procedures
  • Major care: Up to 60% coverage for more extensive procedures, such as root canals and crowns

If you need more comprehensive dental coverage than what is offered by provincial health insurance, then the UTSU dental plan is a good option for you.

The plan is also relatively affordable, with premiums starting at just $40 per month. The plan offers comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price. To learn more about the plan, visit the UTGSU website.


8+ Best Dental Insurance in Toronto

The following are the best dental insurance in Toronto:

  • Manulife
  • Sunlife
  • Toronto Metropolitan University
  • University of Toronto Students’ Unio
  • The Toronto Health Program
  • University of Toronto Mississauga
  • University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry
  • St. George Dental

#1. Manulife

Are you a member of the University of Toronto? Then if you meet up with a few other eligibility requirements, you will be able to access Manulife Health & Dental Insurance which can help you fill in those gaps in coverage, all at an affordable cost.

They have packed in more coverage options and benefits, so you can select the plan that suits you and your loved ones best.

This Manulife health and dental plan in Toronto covers common expenses like prescriptions, dental care, vision, massage therapy, and more.

#2. SunLife

With SunLife you can get basic dental plans that usually come with coverage for preventive dental care, which include:

  • Dental exams and diagnosis,
  • Tests, x-rays,
  • Lab exams,
  • Fillings,
  • Scaling, and
  • Extractions.

#3. Toronto Metropolitan University

The Human Resources of the Toronto Metropolitan University offers dental plans to its members that cover eligible expenses up to an unlimited overall lifetime maximum, though some qualified expenses are subject to maximums or limitations.

This dental plan pays up to 100% of most of your eligible routine dental expenses and 65% of major restorative services subject to a combined annual limit of $3500. Also, the plan covers 50% of orthodontic services per person per year with no annual dollar limit.

#4. University of Toronto Students’ Union

Are you a full-time undergraduate student at the University of Toronto? If yes, know that the UTSU administers a Health and dental Plan for all its full-time undergraduate students, providing some of the best health and dental coverage in Canada compared to other student association plans.

The plan will really help you cover your full or partial coverage for many services not covered by the usual provincial health care. Also, International Students will be covered by both the UTSU Health Plan and the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).

#5. The Toronto Health Program

As a resident of Toronto, you may be eligible for free dental services in the Toronto public health clinics. They offer dental services to eligible children (between ages 0-17), adults, and seniors (65 years and above).

Feel free to check them out.

#6. University of Toronto Mississauga

The student union of the University of Toronto Mississauga campus, UTMSU, offers its full-time undergraduate students affordable and comprehensive health and dental coverage.

These health and dental plans are provided through Green Shield Canada, one of the national not-for-profit insurance providers in Canada with the support of the National Student Health Network.

If you are a Full-time UTM undergraduate student, then you are automatically enrolled in the UTMSU plan. The plans cover medical expenses that are not covered by the provincial government, so you can say that they are supplementary to coverage under OHIP or UHIP, not a replacement.

#7. University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry

Are you looking for who will accept your dental insurance in Toronto? Know that the faculty of dentistry accepts all forms of dental insurance in Toronto including government-sponsored plans.

All you need to do is bring detailed information about your insurance coverage to your first appointment with them. The faculty will not directly bill your carrier. Feel free to learn more about this coverage.

#8. St. George Dental

St. George Dental is a dental insurance provider that is part of the student discount network program that helps to provide discounts on dental care services to the students of the University of Toronto.


St. George Dental - Dental Insurance in Toronto
St. George Dental – Dental Insurance in Toronto

They offer coverage for almost all categories of students including:

  • Scarborough campus students
  • Mississauga campus students
  • Graduate students
  • Part-time or PEY Students and others.

Top 5 Health and Dental Insurance in Toronto

The following are health and dental insurance in Toronto:

#10. Manulife

#11. Sun Life

#12. Canada Life

#13. TD Insurance 

#14. Ontario Blue Cross

Frequently Asked Question

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What factors should I consider when choosing dental insurance in Toronto?” answer-0=”When selecting dental insurance in Toronto, consider factors such as coverage options, cost considerations, the provider network of dentists in Toronto, coverage limits and waiting periods, and specific coverage for treatments like orthodontics or cosmetic procedures.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How can I maximize my dental insurance benefits?” answer-1=”To maximize your dental insurance benefits, prioritize preventive care and take advantage of services covered at 100%, such as check-ups and cleanings.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Will I be able to get dental insurance in Florida if I have pre-existing dental conditions?” answer-2=”Yes, you can get dental insurance even if you have pre-existing dental conditions. Just note that pre-existing conditions may be subject to waiting periods or exclusions, as some plans may have limitations on coverage for pre-existing conditions for a specific period of time.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are there affordable dental insurance options in Toronto?” answer-3=”Yes, there are affordable dental insurance options available in Toronto. Go for plans that offer basic coverage for preventive services at affordable premiums and low out-of-pocket costs.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”How do I file a dental insurance claim in Toronto?” answer-4=”To file a dental insurance claim in Toronto, follow these steps… Obtain the necessary claim forms from your insurance provider, go through the claim form, provide accurate information about the treatment received and associated costs, Attach any required supporting documentation, such as invoices or receipts, Submit the completed claim form and supporting documents to your insurance provider, either by mail or electronically, Wait for the claim to be processed and the reimbursement to be issued. Just familiarize yourself with your specific insurance provider’s claim process for any additional requirements or steps.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


Hope you had a good read? If you are in Toronto, then you should know that we just made getting dental insurance very easy for you.

Do well to compare and choose the plan that suits your budget and meets your needs. Let us know your thoughts about this article in the comment box.


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