10+ Best Dental Insurance in Indiana

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Your dental health is just as important as your overall health, but many people don’t know this in Indiana.

We bring good news to you! There is a really great dental insurance in Indiana that is available for you.

Dental insurance will really be a great way for you to improve and maintain your oral health. We will highlight the 10 best dental insurance and much more information regarding your dental well-being in Indiana in this post, so do well and go with anyone who suits your needs and your budget.

Get Excited Already!

How Does Dental Insurance Coverage Work in Indiana?

For you to fully understand how insurance covers your dental procedures, take note of this:

1. Coverage Options:

You can get dental insurance through your employer’s plan, add it to your existing health insurance, or purchase a standalone plan.

2. What’s Covered:  

Dental plans typically cover preventive care (checkups, cleanings, X-rays) at 100%. Coverage for other procedures (fillings, root canals, crowns) differs, so check your plan details.

3. Out-of-Pocket Costs:

Plans often have copays which are a (fixed dollar amount) for preventive care and coinsurance (percentage you share) for major procedures. There may also be annual maximums limiting how much the plan pays per year.

4. In-Network vs. Out-of-Network:

Using an in-network dentist often leads to lower costs as the plan negotiates rates with them. Out-of-network care may have higher charges.

5. Choosing a Plan:

Compare plans based on coverage, out-of-pocket costs, and dentist networks to find one that fits your needs and budget

See this: 10+ Best Dental Insurance in Saskatchewan

Types Of Dental Insurance Coverage Plans Available In Indiana

There are three main types of dental insurance coverage plans available in Indiana:

#1. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO):

PPO plans offer the most flexibility in choosing a dentist. You can go to any dentist you want, but you’ll typically pay less for covered services if you choose a dentist within the plan’s network.

In-network dentists agree to accept negotiated rates from the insurance company for covered services. This usually results in lower out-of-pocket costs for you.

#2. Indemnity Dental:

Indemnity plans reimburse you for a percentage of the covered services that your dentist charged, up to a certain annual maximum.

You can go to any dentist you want, but you’ll be responsible for paying the dentist directly and then filing a claim with your insurance company for reimbursement.

#3. Dental Discount Plans:

Dental discount plans are not technically dental insurance. They function more like a membership program that provides discounts on dental services at participating dentists.

You typically pay a monthly or annual fee to belong to the plan. Then, you can go to any dentist in the plan’s network and receive a discount on covered services. You’ll pay the dentist directly for the discounted service.

Check this out: 13+ Best Dental Insurance in New Jersey

What to Consider When Choosing Dental Insurance in Indiana

You should consider the following factors when choosing a dental insurance plan in Indiana:

  • Coverage: You can ask questions like: How much of the cost of dental or vision care will the plan cover?
  • Cost: How much will you pay for the plan?
  • Deductible: How much money will you have to pay out of pocket before the plan starts to pay for services?
  • Network: What dentists and vision care providers are in the plan’s network

Read Also: 12+ Best Dental Insurance in Nova Scotia

How to Save Money on Your Indiana Dental Insurance

Here are a few things you can do to save money on dental insurance in Indiana:

  1. Shop around: Compare different plans and prices before you choose a plan.
  2. Consider a high-deductible plan: High-deductible plans have lower premiums, but you will have to pay more out of pocket before the plan starts to pay for your covered services.
  3. Look for a plan with a dental savings account (HSA): HSAs are tax-advantaged accounts that can be used to pay for your dental expenses.

10+ Best Dental Insurance in Indiana

The following are the 10 Best Dental Insurance in Indiana:

  • Anthem Dental
  • Humana
  • eHealthInsurance
  • USI
  • Delta Dental
  • Indiana University
  • Indiana State Personnel Department
  • Indiana Health Agent
  • Health Insurance Organization
  • DentalPlans.com

#1. Anthem Dental

Coverage Features: Individual plans, PPO plans…

Anthem is one the well-recognized dental insurers in Indiana that offers affordable plans that cover your regular cleanings, exams, X-rays, and procedures like fillings, crowns, and root canals.

Here are some dental insurance plans offered by Anthem:

  • Essential Choice PPO Dental insurance plans.

Here there are no deductibles for diagnostic and preventive care and these services are at 100% with no waiting period. This plan also offers higher annual benefit maximums of up to $2,500.

  • Dental Family PPO Insurance plans

In this plan you’ll enjoy benefits like no waiting periods, no annual benefit limits for pediatric-age kids, and more.

#2. Humana

Coverage Features: Individual plans, PPO, and HMO plans…

Humana is a Medicare Advantage HMO, PPO, and PFFs organization that offers dental insurance plans in Indiana. They are one of the big names in the industry in the US.

Their website is currently not available, but you can visit their physical office in Indiana.

#3. eHealthInsurance

eHealthInsurance is an authorized federal government partner that provides preventive and basic dental care and other routine dental care services. You can get their dental plans for as low as $8.95 per month.

Source - eHealthInsurance - One of the Best Dental Insurance Indiana
Source – eHealthInsurance – One of the Best Dental Insurance Indiana

You can get a cool individual plan for yourself, or go for a family plan that will accommodate your loved ones. Feel free to check them out.

#4. Delta Dental

Coverage Features: Dental and Vision plans, Individual plans, PPO plans…

This is another great and popular insurer in Indiana. They offer great dental plans that will suit your needs and budget. They have great reviews from independent systems.

You can check out their physical office in Indiana as their site is currently not available.

#5. Indiana State Personnel Department

The Indiana State Personnel Department provides coverage for your diagnostic and preventive services up to 100 percent when you visit a dentist in the Anthem Dental Complete network.

This simply implies that your teeth cleanings, periodic oral exams, and bitewing X-rays are free whenever you use an in-network provider.

Also, other of your in-network services such as fillings, crowns, and root canals are covered at 80 percent. This year, the state increased the annual limit from $1,500 to $2,000 per individual.

Feel free to check them out.

#6. Health Insurance Organization

They offer to use the federally facilitated health insurance marketplace Healthcare.gov for the sale of well-certified individual and family dental plans.

You can get an average family dental premium in Indiana for $44 per month. Feel free to check them out.

#7. Indiana Health Agent

They are one of the only health insurers that offer dental and vision insurance in Indiana. They are a full-service agency that is dedicated to providing you with the lowest rates on dental plans. Reviews show that you have a very supportive customer service team.

You can check them out here.

#8. DentalPlans.com

We observed that they offer discounts monthly. Currently, they are offering a discount that will help you save up to 40% on all your savings plans with them.

You can get their dental plans for yourself for about $79.95 or a family plan that can accommodate your loved ones for about $129.95. These plans have no limitations, deductibles, or expensive premiums.

Feel free to check them out.

#9. Indiana University

The IU Dental plan is a benefit dental insurance plan offered to full-time academic and staff employees at Indiana University.

If you are a staff of the university or a member of the insurance coverage, you will be able to access dental care from any licensed dentist. Their annual deductible is about $25 though preventive care is not included here.

Source - Indiana University - One of the Best Dental Insurance Indiana
Source – Indiana University – One of the Best Dental Insurance Indiana

#10. USI

USI offers you a benefit dental plan through Paramount Dental. Some of the benefits you will enjoy from this plan are that it covers 100% of your preventive services and 50% of your restorative dental services.

Other benefits you may likely enjoy from their dental plan include:

  • No deductible
  • No claim forms
  • No waiting periods
  • No pre-existing condition clauses
  • $1350 Annual maximum benefit per person
  • A large dentist network and many others…

You can check them out.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What is the difference between dental insurance and dental discount plans in Indiana?” answer-0=”Dental insurance works by providing coverage for a portion of your dental expenses, typically through a network of dentists. On the other hand, dental discount plans offer discounted rates on dental services through participating dentists. While insurance involves paying premiums and may have deductibles and copayments, discount plans require an annual membership fee and offer reduced rates directly at the time of service.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Does dental insurance in Indiana cover cosmetic procedures?” answer-1=”Dental insurance plans usually focus on preventive and necessary dental care rather than purely cosmetic procedures. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Can I get dental insurance in Indiana if I have pre-existing dental conditions?” answer-2=”Yes, you can still obtain dental insurance, though it’s important to note that dental insurance plans may have waiting periods for pre-existing conditions before providing coverage for certain treatments. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


Indiana is a beautiful place and your healthy smile would mean a lot. Preventive dental care should be really prioritized, over restorative services. You should get regular check-ups and these are some of the benefits anyone can enjoy with almost all the dental plans listed above.

Get Insured, and maintain great oral health.

We hope to see you soon,

Thanks For The Read!

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