Top 6 Cheap Dental Insurance in North Carolina

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Recent studies have shown that the average annual premium for dental insurance in North Carolina is $509 for an individual and $1,613 for a family.

This high cost stands as one of the reasons about 22% of North Carolinians are uninsured. We have written this article to help you solve this problem, by revealing 6 cheap dental insurance you can purchase in North Carolina!

Let’s get started by showing you some factors that affect dental insurance costs.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dental Insurance in North Carolina

Several factors affect the cost of dental insurance. If you can understand these variables, it will be easy for you to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and budget.

Here are the factors that affect the cost of dental insurance in North Carolina:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Coverage level
  • Provider choice

1. Location:

Where in North Carolina do you stay? Your geographical location within North Carolina can significantly impact the cost of dental insurance for you.

Urban areas typically have more dental providers, which can lead to increased competition and potentially lower premiums. In contrast, rural areas may have fewer options, which can make the cost really expensive.

2. Age:

Your age plays a pivotal role in dental insurance pricing. Generally, younger individuals are offered more affordable premiums since by statistics, they won’t likely require extensive dental procedures.

For seniors, plans may come with higher premiums due to increased dental care needs associated with aging. So, the older, the more expensive.

3. Coverage Level:

The extent of coverage you desire will surely affect the cost. Basic plans with limited coverage will naturally be more budget-friendly than comprehensive plans that have a lot of dental procedures.

4. Provider Choice:

There are lots of insurance providers in North Carolina. If you are part of a specific group like students or military personnel, providers may offer you more competitive rates or discounts.

We advise that you take your time to compare the provider options we have shown you so you can choose the one that suits your needs and budget better.

See the 8 Full Coverage and Free Dental Insurance Plans in Indiana

State-Specific Dental Insurance Regulations

Just like many other states, North Carolina has its own set of dental insurance regulations and requirements. It’s good you understand these state-specific rules as it will help you to navigate the dental insurance landscape confidently and legally.

Here’s a list:

  • Coverage mandates
  • Network adequacy
  • Consumer protection
  • Grace periods and renewals

1. Coverage Mandates:

North Carolina may have specific coverage mandates that require dental insurers to include certain procedures or treatments in their plans.

Being aware of these mandates will help you ensure that you get the necessary coverage for essential dental services.

2. Network Adequacy:

North Carolina should have regulations concerning the adequacy of dental provider networks within insurance plans.

This simply ensures that you and other residents have reasonable access to dental care providers.

3. Consumer Protections:

North Carolina may have consumer protection laws in place, governing issues like claims processing, appeals, and the handling of grievances.

Knowing your rights as a consumer is so important. Trust me! It will help you thrive whenever you encounter issues with your dental insurance plan.

4. Grace Periods and Renewals:

Sometimes, regulations dictate grace periods for premium payments and renewal terms. This will save you from policy lapses or unexpected changes in your coverage.

We advise that you go check out the State-Specific Dental Insurance Regulations for Carolina so you can get more confident with your plan.

Read Also: 12+ Best Dental Insurance in Nova Scotia

Tips for Choosing Cheap Dental Insurance in North Carolina

The following are some helpful tips on choosing affordable dental insurance in North Carolina:

  • Check lots of providers
  • Consider group plans
  • Check for discounts
  • Avoid getting too much coverage
  • Explore government programs

#1. Check lots of providers:

We’ve done the work for you, take your time to check as much as you can, not just the first one you come across. This will simply help you identify the best value for your money.

#2. Consider Group Plans:

Group dental insurance plans, just like those offered through employers or professional organizations, often come with lower premiums and comprehensive coverage.

#3. Check for Discounts:

Some dental insurance providers offer discounts for paying your premium annually or for enrolling in automatic payments. These discounts can add up over time.

Assess Your Needs: How much coverage do you really need? If you don’t anticipate needing major dental work, a basic plan may suffice, helping you spend less on premiums.

#4. Explore Government Programs:

In some cases, government programs like Medicaid or CHIP may provide dental coverage for individuals and families with limited incomes, who are eligible though.

See This List Of Affordable Dental Insurance Plans in Tennessee

The 6 Cheapest and Most Affordable Dental Insurance in North Carolina

The following are cheap dental insurance in North Carolina:

  • SpiritDental
  • Smart Health Dental
  • Humana
  • Delta Dental
  • Guardian

#1. SpiritDental

SpiritDental tries to offer one of the most amazing and affordable dental plans in North Carolina with features like:

  • Next-day dental insurance
  • Guaranteed acceptance
  • Three cleanings per year
  • $100-lifetime deductible
  • $5,000 max coverage at year three
  • No waiting period
  • Dental Implants
  • PPO Dental plans
  • Up to $5000 maximum and many others.

Feel free to check them out.


#2. Smart Health Dental

SHD is one of the few dental insurers in North Carolina that offers individual and family dental plans for as low as $1 a day.

They also offer multiple dental insurance and non-insurance plan options. They also have an extensive national network of over 200,000+ licensed dental providers that offer the best value for you and your loved ones. Cool plans to explore.

SHD - A cheap dental insurance in North Carolina
SHD – A cheap dental insurance in North Carolina

You can check them out.


#3. offers you an affordable alternative to the usual dental insurance, which is the North Carolina dental savings plans; they are flexible and easy to use.

You will be able to get access to a nationwide network of dentists that provide 10-60% savings on the majority of your dental procedures, including preventive, restorative, and cosmetic treatments at a low annual fee.

Their dental savings plans have no annual limits and no restrictions though based on your current health conditions.


#4. Humana

Humana offers PPO and discount dental insurance plans that should be quite affordable for residents of North Carolina.

Their dental cost ranges from as low as $6.99 to $50.99. Feel free to check them out.


#5. Delta Dental

Delta Dental offers unique individual and family dental plans including:

  • Preventive Plan
  • Enhanced Plan, and
  • Premium Plan

Note that, you won’t be able to re-enroll for 12 months if you have been covered by an individual policy and dropped your coverage, aside from that, Membership is open to you as long as you’re an adult resident in North Carolina.


#6. Guardian

With Guardian Direct, your Preventive dental coverage like X-rays, and tooth cleaning can be covered at 100%. Here maximum annual benefits are about $1,500 in year 3.

You can get good saving options without dental insurance between $62-$166, and you’ll be also able to find a dentist close to your work or home.


#7. Careington 500 Series

Careington 500 Series is a Dental Savings Plan, with a monthly premium of $8.95 for a single enrollee. It is not the usual dental insurance, but rather a discount dental plan. Discount dental plans are quite interesting because they work by negotiating discounted rates with dentists in their network like Careington

As a member of a discount dental plan, you’d typically pay 10-60% less on dental services than you would without a plan. So, for the sake of cost, you can also apply for this.


8 Tips For Maximizing Your Dental Insurance Plan In North Carolina

Here are some helpful tips to maximize your dental insurance policy:

  • Know your coverage
  • Utilize preventive care
  • Stay within the network
  • Understand cost
  • Coordinate with your dentist
  • Submit accurate claims
  • Review your policy annually
  • Seek clarification and guidance

#1. Know your coverage

Familiarize yourself with the specifics of your dental insurance plan, including coverage for preventive care, restorative treatments, and orthodontics. You have to check for any limitations, waiting periods, or exclusions that may apply to your coverage.

#2. Utilize preventive care

Take advantage of covered preventive services like regular cleanings and exams. Preventive care helps detect dental issues early, saving you from costly treatments in the future.

#3. Stay within the network

We advise that you choose dentists and specialists within your insurance network to ensure maximum coverage and minimize out-of-pocket costs. Confirm network participation before scheduling appointments.

#4. Understand costs

Be aware of deductibles, copayments, and annual maximums. Budget for these expenses so that you can clearly consider the cost-effectiveness of your dental procedures.

#5. Coordinate with your dentist

Discuss treatment plans and costs with your dentist. They can help you navigate your insurance coverage and suggest alternatives that align with your budget.

#6. Submit accurate claims

Ensure that all claims are submitted accurately and promptly. Double-check the required documentation and provide any necessary supporting information to expedite the claim process.

#7. Review your policy annually

The truth is that Dental insurance plans can change over time. Review your policy annually to ensure it still meets your needs. Evaluate the changes in premiums, coverage, and network providers to determine if switching plans or providers is beneficial.

#8. Seek clarification and guidance

If you have questions or concerns about your dental insurance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your insurance provider’s customer care. They should provide clarification on coverage, claims, and any other inquiries you may have.

By implementing these tips, you will be able to make the most of your dental insurance, save on costs, and maintain optimal oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Are there any state-specific dental insurance regulations in North Carolina that I should be aware of?” answer-0=”Yes, North Carolina has specific regulations governing dental insurance.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Can I use my dental insurance immediately after purchasing a plan, or is there a waiting period?” answer-1=”Some dental insurance plans often have waiting periods before certain services are covered. Typically, preventive services like cleanings and check-ups have shorter waiting periods (usually a few months), while major procedures may have longer waiting periods (up to a year). Just make sure you review the terms of your chosen plan to understand any waiting period requirements.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What’s the difference between dental insurance and dental discount plans in North Carolina?” answer-2=”Dental insurance and dental discount plans are actually distinct in how they work. Dental insurance functions like traditional insurance, where you pay monthly premiums and the plan covers a portion of your dental expenses. Dental discount plans are membership-based programs that offer reduced rates on dental services when you visit participating providers.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are there dental insurance options for low-income individuals and families in North Carolina?” answer-3=”Yes, You can get one doe yourself or your families in North Carolina. Government programs like Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) can provide free or low-cost dental coverage to eligible individuals and children. Also, some nonprofit organizations and community health centers may offer assistance programs to help low-income individuals access dental care.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Important Recommendations


We hope you’ve found one or two insurance plans out of the listed six, that adequately fit your budget.

Let us know how it’s working out for you in the comment box. Don’t forget to apply the tips you have read.

Thank you!

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